r/wallstreetbets 25d ago

News RIP sleep

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u/yes_ur_wrong 25d ago

Unless it's options, I don't care.


u/bigboyvapesinc The Great Intel Disaster of ‘24 25d ago edited 25d ago

Same I couldnt care less about 24hr market if I can’t unload my weekly stupid options play


u/Rcarjr 25d ago

You can lock-in profits by shorting the stock (or going long if they are puts).


u/Snoo_8406 25d ago

No really, that's a direction play, options are a vol play. You can 'slightly hedge' 


u/1353- 25d ago

Options are not purely a vol play. High delta contracts are mainly a directional play


u/TrottingEmu 25d ago

He doesn't know anything about options 😂


u/steaveaseageal 25d ago

Who does here?


u/Aramis444 25d ago

Truest words ever said on this sub lol


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Abdul_Lasagne 25d ago

I mmake   mmarket


u/1353- 25d ago

Or shorting calls if you have enough stock


u/VadimH 25d ago

Why don't you care less, if you could? :)


u/Puddwells 25d ago

I hate when people get that saying wrong lol. “Oh so you COULD care less… so you DO care about it?”


u/guruglue 25d ago

Irregardless of all that, you understand that they mean that they care very little about it. Sure, they could of said it better, but who are you to axe them to change?


u/Puddwells 25d ago

I know what you’re doing and it’s working


u/Various-Ducks 25d ago

If theres no options this whole thing is a waste of time


u/soploping 25d ago

U realize that literally every hack to make easy money is closed off


u/Various-Ducks 25d ago

Idk some guy went from $990 to $1,000,000 in a week last month. And if he wasnt completely regarded he would still have it.


u/StockCasinoMember 25d ago

But him being regarded is why that happened in the first place.


u/Various-Ducks 25d ago

Good that means it can happen to me too


u/StockCasinoMember 25d ago

Exactly. The regards just need someone who can save them from themselves if they actually do win big.

It’s like if my best friend wins the lottery.

It’s my job to remind him that she just wants his money.


u/Prestigious-Oven3465 25d ago

What happened to that guy? I got busy at work and couldn’t keep up


u/Various-Ducks 25d ago

Hes in the process of going back to $1000 and is most of the way there


u/Prestigious-Oven3465 25d ago

Damn. I got some laughs from the comments, but the whole things pretty sad. Thanks for the update.


u/Various-Ducks 25d ago

Ya he made it to his $1,000,000 goal but didn't stop and immediately lost half of it. True gambling addiction. Before this all his posts were about trying to borrow a couple hundred bucks for groceries.


u/AnotherScoutTrooper 25d ago

99.99999999999999% of people can’t win 7 figures from gambling without spending 7 figures first


u/Various-Ducks 25d ago

99.99999999999999% of 8 billion is 7,999,999,999.999992. Thats not even 1 full person. At least 1 person has done it, he posted about it, it happened, so youre wrong and you should feel bad.


u/deaglebingo 25d ago

but i would like to know more


u/Interesting_Rub5736 25d ago

How so?


u/soploping 25d ago

Well a simple one, you can’t trade options after market close.

This is done so u can’t take advantage of earnings right after they occur and for a lot of other reasons


u/L2F_mens_thickcheeks 25d ago

U can be that broke

A big way to make money is just to buy 10k Apple shares and wait for it to go up 1$

Then use that 10k cash to buy escorts and new balance shoes and KFC

That’s true gambling mayne


u/noClip2 25d ago

So u need over 2 mil to buy 10k aapl shares


u/No_Change9101 25d ago

2 mil to make 10k. Easy


u/option-trader 25d ago

Right! Skip AAPL shares and go straight to the hookers and shoes while munching on KFC.


u/L2F_mens_thickcheeks 25d ago


He used his retirement fund

He is 66 and that’s been his strategy for years

Literally whole sale buying the safest stock and can make cash with small increments due to the volume owned


u/Gustav__Mahler 25d ago

Investing a pile of money and living off the returns? I mean that's just retirement planning with added risk.


u/gottheronavirus 25d ago

Options should follow suit shortly, no?


u/Gahvynn a decent lad 25d ago

I think liquidity is going to be a big problem, at least at first. Volume for overnight trading is currently super low, I imagine for options it’ll be even lower.


u/UsefulSwing4862 25d ago

Volume is low


u/_hyperotic 25d ago

Options on futures exist. You can already trade options 24/7 for years now.


u/gottheronavirus 24d ago

Options on stocks? I'm aware of futures but that's not the market in reference.

Is there a way to trade stock options 24/7 as of right now? I'm still learning.


u/_hyperotic 24d ago

Options on futures, and you can trade options on the future of a stock, so this is is an option which has an underlying price tied to that stock. For instance you can trade options, of futures, of TSLA. And these options are traded 24/7


u/Lebowski304 25d ago

Aren’t futures sort of like the continuation of options into that part of the market? I’ve never touched futures and I still don’t understand how they work even after having read about them


u/_hyperotic 25d ago

Options on futures exist also, so you can already trade options nearly 24/7 right now


u/_hyperotic 25d ago edited 25d ago

Options on futures exist. You can already trade options 24/7 for years now. I feel like if you don’t already know this, you really shouldn’t be going anywhere near options. This sub is truly regarded


u/dimonoid123 25d ago

They should also add real-time options exercise notifications. Would eliminate pin risk.


u/PandazCakez 25d ago

This is irrelevant if I'm not able to close my -99% options at 3 AM.