r/medical 9d ago

Urgent Issues after surgery, trouble with voiding and pain NSFW

I am currently in the hospital and just trying to get an idea of what to expect from one of my issues. I just had my right ovary removed due to intermittent torsion and a large ovarian cyst. This was done on an emergency basis, I went to gynecology this morning and they got me to the hospital and into an operation within a few hours.

I was already having trouble peeing due to a UTI and possibly related to the torsion. But post surgery, it's almost impossible. I constantly feel extreme urge but when I try, very little to none comes out. Could this be related to the anesthesia? What might they do?

Also, they have me on oxycodone and it's barely controlling my surgery related pain. I tried telling the nurse and she just said "that's all you have" is there a magic key for getting her to communicate with the doctor to try to manage my pain better? Or am I screwed?

I am 40f and on Prozac sulfasalazine trospium flagyll and IV diflucan


19 comments sorted by


u/floridianreader Surgical and Ocular Technician - Social Worker 9d ago

They need you to urinate within a certain time of having surgery. It’s just so that they know that your kidneys and bladder are back online and functioning and (presumably) not damaged.

The pain medicine. If it’s not working for you, then tell the nurse that you’re not getting any relief from the Oxycodone. Some meds just don’t work for some people, and you need to have something else.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

Right. The nurse can talk to the doctor if you’re still in by pain. Don’t accept her answer. Some of these people have zero compassion.


u/Landsharkian 9d ago

I pushed and she sent a message but no reply yet


u/Landsharkian 9d ago

They gave me Flexeril, a higher dose of oxycodone, Motrin and Tylenol but it got worse not better. I told the nurse and she tried to refuse to tell the doctor even though the doctor specifically told me to communicate if this happened. I'm proud of myself as I advocated and got her to send a message finally but it was frustratingly difficult


u/[deleted] 9d ago

It really is difficult and at the worst possible time. I’m proud of you too!!


u/Landsharkian 9d ago

Thank you!

I'm concerned about what the nurse might have to the doctor. The doctor told me if the pain was still uncontrolled at this point she'd put in a one time, small dose of morphine so I can sleep. The nurse came back to me and said "no morphine, raising your oxycodone again but you have to wait two hours"

Something she said changed the plan and I am not privy to what


u/Landsharkian 9d ago

I've passed a trickle at this point but that's it. It's very bloody but they said that part is normal. Is that true?

I told her and she contacted the doctor but no reply yet :(


u/dhizbsizbsi Layperson/Not verified Healthcare Personnel 9d ago

See if they can scan your bladder. You might be retaining urine.


u/Landsharkian 9d ago

They mentioned possibly doing it but haven't. Is it valid to hit the call bell to request one or should I wait until they come with night meds?


u/dhizbsizbsi Layperson/Not verified Healthcare Personnel 9d ago

It couldn’t hurt to ask. It would answer the question.


u/Landsharkian 9d ago

I asked, they're going to do it. Thank you!


u/Landsharkian 9d ago

They keep giving me water but not a catheter because bladder scans show nothing in there, but I've drank so much. Is there a reason it would not be going to the bladder?


u/Pink_barbecue 9d ago

I’m sorry you’re going through that! What were your symptoms for the ovarian cyst?


u/Landsharkian 9d ago

I've been vomiting so much that I've lost 18 pounds in ten days. Extensive pain that got worse if not lying down. The one near thing is they said they'd excise endo if they found it. Either the ovary was always bad or there was endometriosis because I've had terrible constant pelvic pain for 22 years It's all gone it's just the surgery pain now


u/desertyellowrose 9d ago

This is so sad and uncalled for. Everyone is on the no pain meds train. Like you would get addicted for taking 3 days worth of opioids. Something has to give in regards to pain management. I am so so sorry that I have no advice for you, other than keep asking the nurse to ask the doctor.


u/Landsharkian 9d ago

Apparently the doctor is going to come see me


u/stinkybaby 9d ago

Hit the call bell, tell them you are in pain and can’t pee


u/Landsharkian 9d ago

Did so 🧡 thanks, I needed to hear it this clearly. I have a problem with feeling like I'm putting upon people even when they're medical staff here to help


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