r/medical 2d ago

No Pain White circles on soles of feet NSFW Spoiler

Posting for a friend. Scheduled an appointment with the doctor, but just wanted to know if he should be worried. Uncomfortable to walk but not in pain.


8 comments sorted by


u/Potential_One_8582 2d ago

NAD, those look like they may be warts, possibly plantar warts. I had them on my feet for years and they look very similar to what’s shown, especially the first pic.


u/iulyyy Physician 2d ago

Hi there, i used to have the same thing on my feet after diving sessions or long swimming sessions. Are you currently also getting your feet wet for longer hours?

Ignore my tag, i am a doctor but not a dermatologist.


u/PanchogarB Layperson/Not verified Healthcare Personnel 1d ago

Possibly a keratolisis punctata. My dear colleague


u/iulyyy Physician 1d ago

Exactly. That is why I am asking Nicoleta if she comes into longer contact with water. If so my recommendation would be urea creme or urea Cristal foot baths. - if there are no known allergies.


u/Nic0letta 1d ago

I followed up, no allergies. But the answer is kinda a yes and no? He said he has really sweaty feet. So the recent days are just commuting to work and basically sitting around in an air-conditioned room. That's honestly it.


u/stinkybaby 2d ago

Warts, blisters and/or callous/corns. Looks like a red area in the 2nd and 3rd pic tho?


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u/piglet2011 Layperson/Not verified Healthcare Personnel 2d ago

Beginnings of warts, maybe.