r/GetMotivated 15d ago

IMAGE Honesty weeds out the wrong crowd [image]

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u/ElegantEchoes 15d ago

Didn't Lennon consistently abuse his wife and kids? I remember my teacher telling me that in school. Pointed out the irony during his song "Imagine".


u/JoleeBind0 14d ago

Didn't Lennon consistently abuse his wife and kids?

He slapped his wife once, one singular time. Her own words.

Afterwards he admitted to it, said he hated himself for it, completely changed, and then became one of the biggest advocates and icons for peace in human history.

I'd say he's more than made up for it, and then some.


u/mindful_subconscious 14d ago

“I used to be cruel to my woman, and physically - any woman. I was a hitter. I couldn’t express my words and I hit.” - John Lennon, Playboy magazine 1980. That doesn’t sound like a one time mistake, but a pattern which he worked to overcome.


u/Umutuku 14d ago

Being open about that probably helped him make a lot of friends who were the same way.

So I wonder if it's less that it gets you "the right ones" and more that honesty is skill based matchmaking.