r/unpopularopinion 18h ago

Nobody is more deserving of a home or apartment because they are "local".


I live in Maine and this mentality drives me crazy and I know it's like this everywhere.

Somebody posts how nice it is to live somewhere and people always shout something like "Yeah and stop moving here it's making it harder for the locals!"

So what? This is the U.S. where we have a right to move anywhere we want across state lines. You're not any more deserving of a home in town than someone from New York or Texas or whatever.

People move across the globe to give their kids a better life and people in the U.S. get mad when they have to move 20 minutes.

r/unpopularopinion 14h ago

it really is those damn phones


human beings were not designed to have so much on demand stimuli, and now that we have it, we’re going fucking insane. everything from the death of the mom and pop shop to the sky high rates of anxiety and depression are attributable to cell phones one way or another. even as someone who has more or less had a direct internet connection since i was five, i can confidently say it’s those damn phones ruining our lives.

r/unpopularopinion 20h ago

Unlimited vacations (responsible vacations) is a terrible work benefit for many


My wife and son both have unlimited vacations for their work (not same company). They both brag about it as if it's a great benefit. My wife hasn't taken more than 10 days off in recent years because she thinks it will look bad (she previously got 4 weeks before the switch to unlimited). And when she does, she's still checking emails and attending meetings. My son, who's only been with the company for about 8 months, asked for 1 friday off recently and was grilled by his manager.... he was asked if he was on track to meet all deadlines and his manager reviewed the statuses of all his tasks before approving the day off. They both still like the idea of being able to take more if they need to. lol

I'd much rather know specifically how many paid days I get per year, and just use them up without having to worry about who's analyzing it. Incidentally, I'm self-employed so paid vacations is foreign to me altogether

r/unpopularopinion 19h ago

kids DESERVE way more respect than whats being given to them.


I so sick of kids not being allowed to have any boundaries. I'm so sick of videos of kids being humiliated posted online.

I recently saw a video of a kid's ipad being taken away from them all over tiktok. I'm not arguing against the ipad being taken away from them. What i am questioning is why the this sort of an interaction was being recorded and then posted all over the internet for everyone to see. I'm also irritated with people shoving a camera into kids faces and then not respecting the fact they don't want to be bothered or recorded. so they get mad at the kid for the kid being mad at them. It's like they were looking to produce a negative reaction out of the child and have every intention of humiliating or punishing them for having an attitude when thats what they wanted in the first place. some of these negative interactions with kids would not have occurred if just would have minded your business and stayed in your lane. if an animal is allowed to have boundaries, so do kids. know when to leave somebody alone, especially a child, if your not their parent/guardian then stop acting like you have authority over them. if you have that much of a concern then bring it up to their parent/guardian.

r/unpopularopinion 18h ago

“I don’t want to go, I just want to be invited” is extremely selfish logic


You hear this frequently, or you have that one friend who is famous for this. They don’t want to actually go to the party or go to the movies with a group of friends, but they want to be invited every time.

It’s basically “I don’t want to actually make the effort to meet you halfway in maintaining this friendship, but I want you to continue to put in effort to include me. It feels these days like we’ve taken the “you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, nobody is entitled to your time” logic and forgot the part of how friendships take effort and energy to maintain, and sometimes that includes showing up for people even when the lure of your comfort zone is calling.

Eventually, if you communicate with your actions that you don’t really want to do things with your social circle, they’ll just start to assume you don’t want to spend time with them and stop including you.

r/unpopularopinion 22h ago

Drivers should be retested after they’ve been driving for years


There are many people who just suck at driving and it boils down to not knowing or not respecting the rules of the road. You get your drivers license at 16 or 17 and then expect people to not develop bad habits once they’ve been driving for over a decade.

If there were a mandatory lottery for retesting drivers I think the quality would improve and we would weed out the neglectful drivers that cause the majority of accidents. As well it’s proven that retesting qualified professionals helps them keep their skills and knowledge up to date at their jobs. The only real downside I can think of is the extra cost the Department of Motor Vehicles would incur because it would require more staff.

r/unpopularopinion 23h ago

Rats don’t deserve the hate they get, the little cuties


Sure, they resemble cockroaches, the way the nest and breed and scurry around. What’s wrong with scavengers, honestly. Are we not scavengers ourselves, the way we scramble and scrounge to make a living and stay alive. It’s called the rat race for a reason. Yeah they were the perpetrators of the plague, but were you even alive then? You ever heard a rat squeak? It’s cute as fuck. They have close cousins who are revered as adorable pets, and yet you despise them because you are taught to. You are told to hate them. Don’t be a bootlicker.

r/unpopularopinion 20h ago

Riddles are dumb because you can find a million answers that are technically right.


Every fucking riddle is built on the idea of “being clever” and “thinking outside the box,” but when you do actually answer the question with a legitimately correct answer, it pisses off the asker.

Riddles only work well in things like literature, where you can set up a premise that hints the guesser towards the right answer. You can come with anything in our vast world that fits the technical restrictions of the question, probably find a million different answers too. But your creativity in this regard does nothing but piss off the asker.

r/unpopularopinion 3h ago

Both men and women have it tough.


It annoys me about how often these arguments come up they achieve nothing it's almost always a women claiming that life is a women is hard than a man's. Or a man claiming that life as a man is harder than a women's. But no matter which gender you are you are more inclined to say your gender has it tougher because that's the only way you've lived. A man might not understand a women's pain and think they have a worse and vise versa. These arguments are counterproductive because if you say you have it tougher because you're a man or a women then you're undermining the hardships of the other gender.

r/unpopularopinion 18h ago

Chipotle is the worst fast food by a country mile.


It is honestly so bland and lacking completely in any flavor. I am not a huge fan of fast food in general but chipotle is honestly the most disappointing option and refuse to eat it even when its free. I legitimately don't understand who would ever bother eating here except for gym bros who can get there macros. (which makes sense on the protein compared to other "fast" options). I feel like I am a crazy person thinking it is so bad, it seems everyone around me except my boyfriend all love it.

r/unpopularopinion 22h ago

Triple A Videogames should scale down


AAA games barely even release anymore. Each one takes 7 years to produce because it "has to be open world" with every buttcheek hair fully modelled.

I want to actually play new games on my ps5 before the whole console generation ends.

Make games linear again!

Stop with this open world bullshit.

I'll play God of War 3 before Assassin's Creed Valhalla any day because at least it's FOCUSED.

r/unpopularopinion 19h ago

If you're a picky eater, you should re-try the food you don't like every couple years or less, especially if it's cooked into something.


When I was a kid, I hated most vegetables and a lot of other weird textures. I used to telly mom she liked stuff because she was old and her tastebuds were dead.

I didn't care for cheese until my late 20's.

I've always been willing to try things and as I've gotten older I guess my taste bud started dying because I like most everything now😜.

However, my wife on the other hand, won't try things because she had it when she was, like, nine and hasn't tried it since. She was the one who actually got me liking cheese.

Today I tried to get her to try some goat cheese in an egg burrito that I know she'd really like if she didn't know it was there.

r/unpopularopinion 11h ago

Steve Carrell is a better actor than Leonardo DiCaprio


Carrell has more range and is a more convincing dramatic actor than Leo.

Leo has more star power and Oscar nominations but as a craft, I think Carrell is just simply the better actor. He is more subtle and natural while Leo tends to overact a bit which takes away from his performances.

r/unpopularopinion 10h ago

Evening shifts are superior to day time jobs.


First notice how I said “evening”. Such as starting hours from 3pm-4pm all the way to 11pm-12am.

Overnight would obviously be difficult but still having similar perks to evening shift admittedly.

Day shift 9-5 grind or even 7am to 3pm is immensely overrated. Waking up is always a hassle. Almost always feels like you didn’t get enough sleep even if you did sleep 6-8 hours when you gotta wake up at 6am. Then get ready and try to leave on time with not even being awake for me than an hour or two. Then deal with traffic, burning up gas and time. Need to make an appointment for the dentist? Gotta take PTO or just not get paid for those hours you aren’t at work. Or sacrifice valuable time on your days off. Then guess what? Traffic again driving home.

Evening shifts you can sleep in, get your appointments done well before you have to go into work. Traffic is almost always way better (especially coming home) and you never have to worry about taking time off for petty things you can do during the morning or noon time. It allows for so much more freedom and flexibility than day time work hours while still feeling like you have a normal working schedule (to an extent). Management is also scarce during afternoon or overnight hours so you aren’t as micromanaged either in a lot of cases.

Now obviously you have people who have kids or whatever that want to be off afternoons for that, or people WFH or live 5 mins from work etc…there is always exceptions to the rule. But overall, evening work shifts run supreme.

r/unpopularopinion 5h ago

salads are delicious.


I don't get why people don't like them. Especially in the hot months.

Lettuce, tomato, cucumber, some type of bean, capsicum, pickled onions, a protein like chicken beef or tofu, maybe some type of cheese, and some lemon juice.

They can be really refreshing.

they can easily be the best part of the meal if they're balanced correctly.

r/unpopularopinion 13h ago

I would rather be all alone with no friends than be around people who pretend to like me.


If you don’t like or mess with me at all, why do you act we’re still friends when you’re around me, but you say weird shit behind my back? I’m not a charity case. You don’t have to be my friend. If you don’t like me, tell me straight up and don’t make it personal.

Stop wasting people’s time and just tell it to them straight and unfriend them. Don’t act like a snake and then mess with people’s feelings for no reason. Have some self respect.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Blue Ivy does not have strong dance skills


Watching her perform on stage, she is so stiff and awkward, she really doesn’t bring a huge stage presence or positive energy. I get that she’s just a young girl, but why put her in this public situation if she’s really not got the skills, it’s nepotism at its absolute worst, because the bottom line is Bey is putting her out there to get slammed. Also, If it’s not nepotism, she’d be at the back, just a regular dancer in with the other line up.

She’s in no way ready to be front and central. Shows you the downside of having too many Industry ‘yes’ people around you.

r/unpopularopinion 12h ago

I don’t like The Great Gatsby


That’s it. Everyone seemed to hype it up and enjoyed reading it in high school. I know it’s a classic but I never understood why it was so “great”. It was all over the place and never seemed to have a nice full circle moment.

r/unpopularopinion 22h ago

We should bring back online spaces for tweens/younger teenagers


the "online kid mmo" games need to be back for tweens. That's the safest place for them. Its a shame that younger children/teens need to be on such mature websites/apps because there's literally no where for them to go.

r/unpopularopinion 15h ago

Long sleeve shirts are the worst.


Long sleeve shirts are uncomfortable and inconvenient. If you are trying to get anything done they get in the way. If you roll them up the sleeves become misshapen and uncomfortable. If you are cold you can wear a vest or 3/4 sleeves that keep you warm without getting in the way.

r/unpopularopinion 18h ago

The gambling industry should have legal protects for customers to protect them from spending too much money.


Before you comment, if you've never been to a casino before, please understand that the majority of customers are elderly, mentally unwell, low iq, and people vulnerable to addiction. The casinos exploit these people specifically.

If you've ever been in a casino, you'll notice tons of older people staring at the slot machines not moving, just spinning and spinning. These people are so addicted that casinos have to replace the seats regularly because people will deficate themselves but won't stop spinning the machines.

There should be consumer protections from luck based gambling like slot machines. Protections such as spending limits on the machines, where the machines get locked out if more then $50 is put in them per hour for example.

Just like how it's illegal to serve drunk people at bars, it should be illegal for a casino to let vulnerable people spend their life savings on slot machines.

r/unpopularopinion 13h ago

The Chesapeake Bay is the Real Bay Area


Okay, I need to get this off my chest: why does everyone just automatically call San Francisco the Bay Area? Like, when did we all agree on this? Because I definitely don’t remember signing that petition. And every time someone says it, I can’t help but think, “Wait, are we just ignoring the Chesapeake Bay?”

Let’s put this in perspective: the Chesapeake Bay is 4,480 square miles. That’s huge. San Francisco Bay? 1,600 square miles, tops. It’s like comparing a watermelon to a cantaloupe. Sure, both are cool, but one is clearly bigger and more deserving of attention. And yet, when you say “the Bay Area,” everyone immediately thinks tech bros and overpriced avocado toast, not a massive ecosystem that spans six states.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. The San Francisco Bay has great PR. It’s like the popular kid in school who everyone knows and talks about, even though they’re not actually that interesting. Meanwhile, the Chesapeake Bay is like the quiet overachiever who does all the work but never gets invited to the party.

And don’t get me started on the history. The Chesapeake Bay has been around forever! Well, not literally forever, but long enough to be part of, ya know, America’s founding story. Colonial trade, seafood that fed entire economies, battles fought on its waters... it’s like the Swiss Army knife of bays. What’s San Francisco Bay’s historical claim to fame? Gold rushes and... tech companies?

I don’t know... maybe it’s just me, but it feels like a branding issue. The Chesapeake Bay doesn’t have a slick nickname or a billion-dollar tech sector boosting its visibility. It’s just quietly being the largest bay in the country, doing its thing. And honestly, it deserves more credit.

So, next time someone says “the Bay Area,” maybe stop and think for a second. Are we really talking about the most deserving bay, or are we just going along with what’s trendy? Because, let’s be real, the Chesapeake Bay could eat San Francisco Bay for breakfast and still have room for dessert.

r/unpopularopinion 23h ago

Anonymous posting shouldn't be so controversial


Of course, if someone uses the anonymity to spread misinformation or say genuinely harmful things then that person sucks and should absolutely be called out, but in general I see nothing wrong with staying anonymous online.

I'm in a few different Facebook groups with a few thousand people in them, and although I don't contribute much, I tend to stay anonymous on the occasions that I do and for some reason, that really bothers people. It's not even anything serious, just opinions on like, a tv show, but I don't feel like exposing my personal account to a group of strangers regardless. There's often comments about "why anon though?" Or "don't be anonymous, stand by what you say" and I really don't see why people get so hung up on it. You're not entitled to know someone's identity just because they disagree with your opinion, and someone wanting privacy doesn't make their opinion any less valuable than yours.

r/unpopularopinion 17h ago

The hate for musicals is overblown


There's a lot of people that just hate musicals on principle and that would be okay except they actually DON'T. I have friends that will preach at me how terrible musicals are (apparently it's a crime to use music to convey emotion and move the story along), but conveniently will watch almost anything Disney puts out.

Like the bulk of Disney movies (some 80 to 90%) are musicals. Every Disney princess movie save Brave and Raya and The Last Dragon are musicals. Even their most recent "live action" Lion King movie is a musical.

It also doesn't help that sometimes I will show them a musical (Nonsense) movie that they enjoy, but then they still go on to profess that they hate musicals. It's like saying that you hate anchovies but you love cesar salad.

I think what the general public actually hates being lied to about musicals and really bad adaptations. When the Joker 2 was announced people weren't expecting what had been a gritty drama in the first one to turn into a gritty drama musical with Lady Gaga in the second. As for shitty adaptations: Mean Girls the Musical would have probably had a better reception if the lead didn't have such a weak voice therefore forcing everyone else to dim their own vocal abilities.

r/unpopularopinion 3h ago

App developers should include an "I already rated this app" option in rate the app reminders


I genuinely appreciate good apps and make it a point to rate them on the Play Store, either on my own or when the app reminds me. However, it’s annoying when the same app keeps nagging me to rate it, even after I already have!

Wouldn't it be great if app developers included an option in the reminder like, "I already rated the app"? This way, they can avoid spamming loyal users with unnecessary pop-ups. It’s a win-win for both users and developers—users get a better experience, and developers maintain goodwill.