r/nextfuckinglevel 26d ago

Eddie Hall bench pressing 4 girls


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u/Helpful-nothelpful 26d ago

But we'll never really know the real weight.


u/SpaceXmars 26d ago

Let's say 500-575lb


u/orthopod 25d ago edited 25d ago

Those girls are all fairly short- around 5' with 2 of them being under that. I'd guess ~100-110 each. + 45 for the bar, so roughly 460, which is still nuts.


u/johnsvoice 25d ago

Not to mention its UNSTABLE weight on an incline. Absolutely ludicrous.


u/youshouldbethelawyer 25d ago

HEY! Those girls have daddy issues like any other girl but they are NOT UNSTABLE you absolute JERK


u/third-sonata 25d ago

Ur a daddy issue. Daddi uWu


u/metalshoes 25d ago

Yeah the wiggling and wobbling has to add so much difficulty


u/Radiant-Map8179 25d ago

I'm glad someone mentioned this.

His posture/form is spot on... that's true strength right there.

It's mad to think back to when Eddie first started out... I remember thinking "who's this cocky meathead".... turns out he meant f'kin business lol!!


u/SpaceXmars 25d ago

That's the absolute lowest end, these girls all seem fit, so they should have a good amount of muscle mass. I would easily say most of those chicks are 135 at least, if not up to 150

So 45 + ~115 + ~125 + ~145 + ~145 = ±575


u/phazedoubt 25d ago

I agree. My wife is fit and everyone i(ncluding her doctor until she weighed) thought she weighed about 110 when she really weighed 145.


u/StorageNo6801 25d ago

This man really said women weigh 100 lbs??? 😂


u/SpaceXmars 25d ago



u/eiroai 25d ago

Noooo. I'm 5'11" and 130 lbs, no way are those girls 135-150


u/Ambystomatigrinum 25d ago

With all due respect (I’ve been exactly your size), your BMI makes you underweight and these women do not look underweight. They’re going to weigh more than you think if you’re using your weight as a the starting point.


u/Keibun1 25d ago

Depends on muscle mass. My wife is 5'7 and at 130 she looks like a toothpick. A doctor even called her that. At 5'11 you must be very very thin.

While I'm a guy, I'm 5'7 and very thin, and I weigh 140.

It is very possible they are 130s.


u/Ambystomatigrinum 25d ago

Yeah, I’ve been 5’11/130, I had very low muscle mass and body fat and I could only sustain that weight via an eating disorder. It’s likely the reason I lost a little height. It’s not a good comparison point for the women in this video who look fit and healthy.


u/IMA_5-STAR_MAN 25d ago

Far left is at least 5'8, i would guess 5'10


u/orthopod 25d ago

Eddie Hall is 6'2" and she's barely at his shoulder.

Head is roughly 1/8 height, which would be 9" on him. Add the neck to it and she's maybe 5'2


u/dreamsofindigo 25d ago

nah mate. far havier than nuts!


u/zoidy37 25d ago

Wait for each side to claim that the other side was definitely the heavier side


u/f8Negative 25d ago

U mean like 375


u/WorldsWeakestMan 25d ago edited 25d ago

About 440-470 more likely, those are small girls(90-110lb each) on a 45lb bar.

Imagine downvoting accurate math, lmao.