r/nextfuckinglevel 26d ago

Eddie Hall bench pressing 4 girls


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u/orthopod 25d ago edited 25d ago

Those girls are all fairly short- around 5' with 2 of them being under that. I'd guess ~100-110 each. + 45 for the bar, so roughly 460, which is still nuts.


u/SpaceXmars 25d ago

That's the absolute lowest end, these girls all seem fit, so they should have a good amount of muscle mass. I would easily say most of those chicks are 135 at least, if not up to 150

So 45 + ~115 + ~125 + ~145 + ~145 = ±575


u/eiroai 25d ago

Noooo. I'm 5'11" and 130 lbs, no way are those girls 135-150


u/Keibun1 25d ago

Depends on muscle mass. My wife is 5'7 and at 130 she looks like a toothpick. A doctor even called her that. At 5'11 you must be very very thin.

While I'm a guy, I'm 5'7 and very thin, and I weigh 140.

It is very possible they are 130s.


u/Ambystomatigrinum 25d ago

Yeah, I’ve been 5’11/130, I had very low muscle mass and body fat and I could only sustain that weight via an eating disorder. It’s likely the reason I lost a little height. It’s not a good comparison point for the women in this video who look fit and healthy.