r/nextfuckinglevel 26d ago

Removed: Not NFL smuggling at its finest.



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u/Aclysmic 26d ago

Genuinely always wonder how they end up finding them


u/BellicoseSam 26d ago edited 26d ago

When I worked with BP we would tell people crossing they had to declare any smuggled people and pay taxes on them. Worked most of the time. Edit:/s Although I'm sure it's worked once.


u/Drae-Keer 26d ago

Well to be fair, wasn’t there that one drug lord who only went to prison for tax evasion?


u/LemonSnakeMusic 26d ago

It was the only thing they could directly link Al Capone to. He ordered his subordinates to do all of his dirty work. Before RICO lawsuits were invented, organized crime bosses were nearly untouchable. Law enforcement had to look for any unrelated crime they could directly tie bosses to, and then threw the book at them to keep them in jail.


u/Scared_of_zombies 26d ago

Al Capone?


u/Twip67 26d ago

Al Pacino


u/kor34l 26d ago

about time they locked him up. his overacting was criminal