r/nextfuckinglevel 26d ago

Removed: Not NFL smuggling at its finest.



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u/Aclysmic 26d ago

Genuinely always wonder how they end up finding them


u/SneezeBucket 26d ago

Dogs, x-rays, or carbon dioxide detectors.


u/BellicoseSam 26d ago edited 26d ago

When I worked with BP we would tell people crossing they had to declare any smuggled people and pay taxes on them. Worked most of the time. Edit:/s Although I'm sure it's worked once.


u/bisoldi 26d ago

Wut. People ACTUALLY try to declare the smuggled people?


u/InfinteAbyss 26d ago edited 26d ago

Extreme stress does weird things to people, border control see people crossing every single day they see how most people react when they have nothing to hide.

Direct confrontation rarely works so doing it in an indirect way so they essentially tell on themselves works way more.


u/donmreddit 26d ago

And it is sounds like it a whole lot less violent.


u/Drae-Keer 26d ago

Well to be fair, wasn’t there that one drug lord who only went to prison for tax evasion?


u/LemonSnakeMusic 26d ago

It was the only thing they could directly link Al Capone to. He ordered his subordinates to do all of his dirty work. Before RICO lawsuits were invented, organized crime bosses were nearly untouchable. Law enforcement had to look for any unrelated crime they could directly tie bosses to, and then threw the book at them to keep them in jail.


u/Scared_of_zombies 26d ago

Al Capone?


u/Twip67 26d ago

Al Pacino


u/kor34l 26d ago

about time they locked him up. his overacting was criminal


u/Impressive_Change593 26d ago

I think it's big x-ray machine


u/DarkBiCin 26d ago

Someone sneezed and ruined it all for sure


u/kroggaard 26d ago

lmao classic


u/hulkmxl 26d ago edited 26d ago

There are white vertical rectangles, facing one another, when you cross the border by vehicle. Receiver and transmitter.  

They don't tell you it's an X-ray scanner but it is, because fuck you.  

They bombard you with X-rays, they know it's not healthy, but again, fuck you. That's how they find these kind of things.

Edit1: no idea why I'm getting downvoted, like at all. It is a statement of fact, and the "fuck you" is not personal to the reader, it's the sentiment from government to people crossing the border (legals illegals and citizens alike). 

Edit2: there's a troll down there arguing about TSA scans being more harmful. No one was discussing or comparing TSA scans versus vehicle inspection scans. At all. I made the mistake of feeding the troll, don't do that people. Just ignore him.


u/arededitn 26d ago

I've seen those x-ray pictures. They are pretty revealing and it's obvious if you're hiding someone. Makes me wonder, do smugglers NOT know about it? What's the point of even trying to "hide" someone in that compartment when it's obviously going to be found? Are they counting on the x-ray machine not working? What's the thought process here? Please someone explain the mind of a smuggler for me.


u/OrbitOrbz 26d ago

i could be wrong but i assume they are taking that chance of the vehicle not getting scanned cuz not every vehicle gets scanned. What usually gives it away is the way the driver/people in the vehicle act and the BP probably know the signs on how people act that gives a dead giveaway that something is up


u/Aldarund 26d ago

Dude, I'm not talking about TSA scan. I mean just natural radiation from flying which is like way higher than vehicle scan. Learn to understand, instead of deleting your messages


u/Aldarund 26d ago

Not healthy ? What about natural radiation then? What about flying? One flight will get you like x5-x10 of radiation from scan


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 26d ago



u/Aldarund 26d ago

Lol, so much rage. Car radiation is around 1-2days of background radiation exposure.


u/StrayStep 26d ago

You receive Athe same X-ray frequency by standing outside in the day & night. It is literally the exact same electro magnetic frequency.

The only difference is it's focused x-ray or all other types of EMF. So if you're mad about being scanned. Then might as well be mad about standing outside.

Just saying.


u/CPTMotrin 26d ago

Have you ever focused sunlight with a magnifying glass? That’s the problem.


u/StrayStep 26d ago

Comparing a 2 sec x-ray to your entire life walking around outside is miniscule. We are exposed to 50 mSv per year, that's without plane flights and all the other tech. It's only radiation, the same as the natural decay of atoms. Your own body puts off radiation.

We have evolved to handle it daily. I recommend taking some time to understand radiation before unrealistically fearing it.

I'm mean obviously.. don't go stand in front of it just because. Just like don't stare at the sun.



u/CPTMotrin 26d ago

I pretty much do understand radiation. If you’re shooting thru metal, you need more energy than you use to pass thru bone and flesh. Do they certify the dose they irradiate across the check point? That’s a concern to me.


u/Mateorabi 26d ago

If he hates these xrays he better not be taking any airplane flights


u/igotshadowbaned 26d ago

Edit2: there's a troll down there arguing about TSA scans being more harmful. No one was discussing or comparing TSA scans versus vehicle inspection scans. At all. I made the mistake of feeding the troll, don't do that people. Just ignore him.

They were just arguing against this point

They bombard you with X-rays, they know it's not healthy, but again, fuck you. That's how they find these kind of things.

Saying that being on a flight, not even a TSA scan, exposes you to about 10x the radiation this scan would. Which is still considered a pretty negligible amount


u/lemonhops 26d ago

Damn... What about pregnant people and such


u/Aldarund 26d ago

Nothing. One flight will get you higher radiation exposure, even just background radiation amount will be same in few days


u/StrayStep 26d ago

Exactly. People really need to understand what they are upset about before assuming an invisible death ray was pointed at them. Cause the sun isn't going anywhere.


u/Mateorabi 26d ago

You mean the evil-fire-moon? hisssssssssssssssssssss


u/PeppersHere 26d ago

Please see previous fuck you



u/hulkmxl 26d ago

Beat me to it.


u/igotshadowbaned 26d ago

Large x-ray machines that scan the truck as they drive up


u/MrReckless327 26d ago

There are some crazy x-ray machines that scan trucks and u can see the pictures of how many people are in them


u/GrowLapsed 26d ago

The truck farted


u/FallenLadderJockey 26d ago

The dog could smell that the woman was on the rag.