r/medical 1d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 What is this in my partners ear???? NSFW

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Anyone know what this is in ear????

Partners ear has been hurting on and off lately. Sometimes he says it feels like water in his ear and makes popping noise when hiccuping or yawning. He looked in his ear with our ear device we have and this is in his ear. It doesn’t move. He put peroxide/water in his ear yesterday to help remove a lot of wax since the doctor said wax can make an ear hurt and afterwards, this sucker shown itself. He did a telehealth appointment before Christmas for a possible ear infection.


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u/RiptideRift Layperson/Not verified Healthcare Personnel 1d ago edited 1d ago

It looks like a cyst or cholesteatoma, a foreign body reaction (but it looks like it comes from inside and popped) or a keratoacanthoma which can look like that elsewhere on the skin but would be super rare on the ear drum. Only a ENT doctor can accurately diagnose and treat this. Stop using any homemade treatments, as there’s nothing you can do to treat it on your own and it’s better to avoid any damage.


u/DeadbeatGremlin 1d ago

How does this look like cholesteatoma?