I don't know if this is the appropriate place to post about this, but I just want to get some things off my chest, and this is really the only subreddit I can think of. I was hospitalized in a psych ward for six days back in December because I was suicidal, and while I was in the hospital I was given a one month injection of a drug called abilify (kind of by force, because they threatened to keep me their longer, and get a court order to force me to take it if I didn't take it willfully) that made me feel like shit. It made me very uninterested in everything after I got out of the hospital, and went home. Nothing peaked my interest that much, and when something did (like a video game or tv show), it was only for a little while, and then I would go back to being bored again. Not only was I bored, but the medication made me feel constantly jittery, and like I needed to do something, which also made things worse. After a month, I had a meeting with the doctor who prescribed me abilify, and I told her I didn't want to take it anymore. My parents wanted me to take another drug called risperidone that I used to take a year ago, so I did, because they insisted I needed to be on a medication of some kind. Risperidone made me very emotional, so I stopped taking it as well.
Another problem I've struggled with since I left the hospital is that I relapsed and started watching porn again, after not doing so for a month. I relapsed after a long 3-4 month streak back in November, but recovered after maybe a week or two, and then held strong for a month, until the day I left the hospital, which is when everything went downhill. I'm now 3 days off of porn, and am starting to feel better, but am not sure how long I can go before I relapse again.
The reason I say that I feel like I've been lobotomized is because I can't get super motivated to do anything, and nothing makes me feel that happy. Work at my part time job, which was always enjoyable to me before I went to the hospital, has become less enjoyable for me as well. My school schedule is also terrible, because I am stuck in classes with people I barely know, and can't change them, because they are the classes I'm required to take to pass Senior year.
I guess that the reason I'm posting this, is because I want to know if anyone else has experienced this feeling of hopelessness that I have, and I want to know if there's anyone out their with any advice for me?