Scott Pilgrim is clearly a beta male. Yet somehow he is the love interest of two women, one of whom is so madly in love with him that she is violently jealous of the ugly woman he pursues. In the real world betas don’t even bang the pink-haired loose women, yet somehow this guy has several women interested in him.
Most importantly the film glorifies an idea that one’s past does not matter. Even though Ramona’s exes betray the disgusting past she would prefer to keep secret, it doesn’t matter to Scott. He’s in love and love can conquer the sordid pasts of loose women.
In 2010 the manosphere wasn’t mature enough to call out the beta glorification of movies like this. Unfortunately, men who saw these movies during that time saw characters like these as objects of emulation. You want loyal women and slutty women to want you? Just be a beta like Scott Pilgrim.
Now we know better. Now when movies that glorify betas and women at the expense of strong men are released we call them out.
Hollywood got away with it for a long time though. We are still combating the men who took to heart these beta ideas today. By calling out these movies of yesteryear we will hopefully make men influenced by them realize the folly of their ways.
Taken from r/TheKingPill