r/facepalm Aug 23 '24

🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​ Oh dear...

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u/shallah Aug 23 '24

They obsessed over Hunter's manhood and now walz's bodily fluids

Why are GOP so obsessed with Democrats private bits?


u/Instroancevia Aug 23 '24

Sexual repression + adherence to a shame culture. They constantly think about sex but have no way to publicly let out these thoughts without being shunned by their peers, so they use politics as a vehicle for that. Fascism is based in male sexual insecurity.


u/UngusChungus94 Aug 23 '24

That also explains their obsession with interracial relationships in media (racism aside). Whether they’re watching “BBC porn” (bc you know it’s not us black dudes watching that, it’s dehumanizing and weird) or getting mad when white women date black (or any nonwhite) men, it’s all rooted in an obsession with perceived sexual inadequacy.

Not only do they think other (often black) men are physically superior. They perceive us as morally degenerated when we do engage in what are, in reality, healthy sexual practices. But, and this is crucial, their shame at their own actual, hidden sexual depravity makes them project a twisted morality on others. That’s why it seems every accusation they make is actually a confession.

In their minds, all of life is a zero sum struggle to outcompete other men for limited resources. But their sexual inadequacy creates a fundamental challenge to their masculinity. And rather than developing a healthy understanding of manhood, they’d simply destroy (read: ruin, cast down, kill) the competition.


u/Dujak_Yevrah Aug 23 '24

Fr. Black people aren't watching videos labeled "Black breeding savage tribal bull with a wild BBC terrorizes sweet innocent white girl." And they're all named like that. Like who's always been obsessed with shit like that since the 50s when saying hi to a white woman would have you accused of being a rapey king kong. Like so many of them have this fantasy about us coming in like an animal and taking away white women. Why do YOU, have OUR DICKS in YOUR mind more than your girl does!?!? That shit bothers me ngl it's fucking weird.


u/UngusChungus94 Aug 23 '24

Shit bro they’ve been obsessed with that since they put us in chains. Probably before.


u/Dujak_Yevrah Aug 23 '24

Heard that!