r/Whatcouldgowrong 6d ago

WCGW, or what he was thinking


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u/KayakingATLien 6d ago

Why morons can’t be left unattended


u/SEA_griffondeur 6d ago

interesting calling college math students morons


u/Bronek0990 6d ago

As someone who had to teach college math students, I can tell you, DnD had it right with separating Wisdom and Intelligence scores


u/big_guyforyou 6d ago

intelligence is knowing how to stack desks, wisdom is knowing you shouldn't


u/CjBoomstick 6d ago

Constitution is surviving the process


u/angrytreestump 6d ago edited 6d ago

I feel like this is one of those scenarios where a DM would way over-represent the threat of this situation because they saw Million Dollar Baby one time 20 years ago, and assign any roll under 10 to be an instant neck-breaking death for the player falling from 5 feet off the ground in the mighty desk tower collapse of NorthwestMathClass-ia 😆


u/Tallywort 6d ago

And dexterity is landing on your feet when it happens.


u/Bao-Babe 6d ago

Just because you're successful in an academic setting, doesn't mean you aren't a moron. There are a lot of ways to be smart, and there are a lot of ways to be dumb. Maybe this person is a total math whiz-they obviously haven't got a lick of common sense.


u/Katukass 6d ago


I think rather high school students. At least I hope so.


u/drottkvaett 6d ago

When I got my masters, I almost ripped the plaster off my wall because I forgot to look for a stud to hang the degree. I do dumb stuff all the time. I’m a highly educated moron.


u/SolaireOfSuburbia 6d ago

Did you get your degree etched in stone or something?


u/drottkvaett 6d ago

No, I just got this big wooden frame for it because I was all proud of it and also forgot to measure it before I went to shop for a frame.


u/cjmar41 6d ago

For all you know, that’s remedial freshman algebra at Northwest Community College in Mississippi.

Not everyone taking math classes in college are Mathematics PhD candidates at MIT.


u/KayakingATLien 6d ago

Males ages 18-23? Absolutely


u/jonosaurus 6d ago

You watched the clip, right?


u/Upbeat_Ad_6486 6d ago

Trust me, my first year college math class had an average of 60%. I got a 98 because I completed the exam in 1/6th the time and didn’t care to re-check. Being in a college math class is not even a statement of mathematics ability let alone a statement of general intelligence.