r/OnePieceTC Mar 24 '21

Megathread [ENG][JPN] March 24, 2021 - March 31, 2021 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

This megathread is to house your questions regarding teambuilding or just questions in general about the game.

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u/GoldFishPony The Next Strawhat Legend Mar 25 '21

I mean you can pretty safely go for the all legend multi at least if your next pulling time would be ace vs Akainu because they’re like 4 months away, we get like 300 gems a month, and even if their guarantee was on 30 with no discounted multis that’s 1500 gems. So from the current 1150 you have 4ish months to guarantee them, spending 250 or 300 or whatever it is would be a safe move.


u/Matcha_99 Promising Rookie Mar 25 '21

I’ll go this way then, just a question, how can you have 300 gems per month ?


u/GoldFishPony The Next Strawhat Legend Mar 25 '21

There are posts that show all gems gainable each month in japan (so they will be different for global, like we no longer get a 3rd daily gem consistently). The breakdown of the gems shows generally what we could get, it doesn’t even take rankings into account really so those can also boost numbers. But like as long as you can beat all these things it’s generally an amount like this and I’d say global is generally a smaller number though.


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '21

According to a german OPTC community the average gems per month over the last year is 358.8 gems/month.

(http://opcommunity.de/index.php?thread/4246-gem-count-wie-spendabel-ist-bandai-tatsächlich/&pageNo=5&s=d2a2bec15249935cc9d587c9559e413e8b4cf65f if you are interested in the exact numbers)


u/asscompany Mar 25 '21

Pls enlight me how to get 300 a month


u/GoldFishPony The Next Strawhat Legend Mar 25 '21

In addition to the other comment, somebody tracked the specific breakdown on japan (because it is japan the numbers will be different) but the full breakdown is here to have a general idea where the gems come from. This would be more February than March as far as I know, but kinda hard to really tell because global flipped them.


u/popop143 324708335 Mar 26 '21

Large chunk comes from Garp Challenge, with about 40-80 depending on the month. We get 2 per day free via login and Daily CMs, so that's another 60. We also get a lot of gems by climbing to 7m in New World TM. Also doing 100 attacks over a month in Pirate Rumble, that's a ton too. Kizuna also gives, maybe 6? Over 6 boxes.


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '21

According to a german OPTC community the average gems per month over the last year is 358.8 gems/month.

(http://opcommunity.de/index.php?thread/4246-gem-count-wie-spendabel-ist-bandai-tatsächlich/&pageNo=5&s=d2a2bec15249935cc9d587c9559e413e8b4cf65f if you are interested in the exact numbers)


u/Hyung90520 Promising Rookie Mar 25 '21

I was at 1114 gems 15 days ago.
Currently at 1328 gems so that's 214 gems.
I still have to finish the INT Garp Whitebeard and all of Garp Enel so that will be about 20+ gems. Login gems and new content etc should get me close to high 200s in 30 days