r/OnePieceTC Jan 06 '21

Megathread [ENG][JPN] January 06, 2021 - January 13, 2021 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

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u/panchovies Promising Rookie Jan 11 '21

What is blow away % on rumble and is it useful cause idk if I should use characters with it


u/Trigger_Hur7 Jan 11 '21

To add to GoldFishPony's answer, the Blow Away mechanic is a double edged sword anyway. If your team is using some AOE damage, you want the enemy team as packed together as possible so Blowing Away is a bad idea. On the other hand it can be useful if the enemy has a strong small AOE heal.


u/Bruno_Frei-Maurer JPN 574 249 743 - IGN 420BlazeIt Jan 11 '21

I use Zoro v2 6+ and he works like a charm in an aoe dmg slasher team. By the time the specials are ready, all are pushed into the back of enemy field. Its only a bad idea if you have 1 unit with blow back, since only 1 or 2 enemies get pushed back. If its a buff for your whole team like Zoro, chances are literally almost 0 that enemies are spread once my specials launch. imo its a really good boost in the right teams.


u/Trigger_Hur7 Jan 11 '21

Interesting !


u/GoldFishPony The Next Strawhat Legend Jan 11 '21

It affects the chance that your unit will push the enemy back when attacking them. It makes the enemy take slightly longer to attack. I’ve gone through most units and from what I can tell there’s almost no units with blow away and almost all of them only boost themselves so don’t invest in the idea at all. If the unit has some other useful effect, then feel free to use them, but don’t try to make a team based on blow away percent as it’s like a crit based team in that it’s rng, but far less reliable.