r/OnePieceTC Jan 06 '21

Megathread [ENG][JPN] January 06, 2021 - January 13, 2021 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

This megathread is to house your questions regarding teambuilding or just questions in general about the game.

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  • Posting your box is recommended for more accurate advice, but please sort your characters by "favorite" and make sure you have every important character marked as favorite to get the best posible answers

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u/krak_is_bad Well, crap Jan 08 '21

Hey everyone. I was just in a PR match and had a weird thing happen with WB's special. He ran up to a group of enemies, did the DEF down part of his special, then backed away without doing the damage portion. I would say that the animation didnt play, but a couple of characters had a sliver of health left.

Has this happened to anyone else?


u/Tearsofwolf ASL Pirates - 805,833,688 Jan 08 '21

Perhaps there was no one in medium range? Not 100% sure, just a guess.


u/krak_is_bad Well, crap Jan 08 '21

That might have been it. Now that you mention it, I think the primary person that he ran up to was in the middle of taking a lethal normal.


u/popop143 324708335 Jan 08 '21

Just means that the one he targeted hasn't come back to that position yet (possibly attacking), and there wasn't an enemy unit that was in range for his damage. Note that his debuff has a higher range (does it target ALL enemies?) than the damage part.