r/OnePieceTC Sep 30 '20

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] September 29, 2020 - October 06, 2020 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

This megathread is to house your questions regarding teambuilding or just questions in general about the game.

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  • Posting your box is recommended for more accurate advice, but please sort your characters by "favorite" and make sure you have every important character marked as favorite to get the best posible answers

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u/RedPhoenixTroupe Oct 02 '20

Take number 1, period. Nami and Franky aren't worth a V2G4. Also do not pull on the beginner sugo. There is currently a supertype sugo going on and it's literally the best sugo to ever be released on global, rivalled only by the last French Anni. You should make your pulls there.


u/uselessaccount2018 Promising Rookie Oct 02 '20

Thanks for your reply.

There is currently a supertype sugo going on and it's literally the best sugo to ever be released on global, rivaled only by the last French Anni. You should make your pulls there.

Which banner is this one? Allies/Adversaries?


u/RedPhoenixTroupe Oct 02 '20

Both are a part of it, as well as the upcoming part 3 and 4. For a totally new player my suggestion is to go for part 1 and 3 - best legends on rateup.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '20

All of them pretty much. I think that the banners are Blackbeard>V2Snakeman>Sabo=Katakuri in terms of quality of boosted legends. But the steps and legend rate are insanely good, so pull wherever. I'd recommend trying to get to at least 1 5th multi for the 11 reds.