r/OnePieceTC Sep 30 '20

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] September 29, 2020 - October 06, 2020 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

This megathread is to house your questions regarding teambuilding or just questions in general about the game.

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u/jadan10 Promising Rookie Sep 30 '20

What's the best thing to buy in the ray shop? Is there a priority list?


u/Random-Stormtrooper Pierce the Heavens! Sep 30 '20

The LRR ticket, then the Legend one (as it has terrible rates). Rocketman, Dutchman and Crows are the best ships you can get. Skulls are farmable in invasions so don't bother with them.


u/jadan10 Promising Rookie Oct 01 '20



u/RedPhoenixTroupe Sep 30 '20

I'd argue the only really worthy things for a f2p are the LRR ticket (F2Ps shouldn't really be pulling on LRR sugos as the rates are crap) and the PVP scrolls (really scarce and important if you want to focus on PVP). The rest?

Legend ticket - 50k for a chance at a legend is a terrible choice. Chance of a dupe is huge after even 2-3 months of play. Avoid.

Gold ticket - 3k, but for literally any rare recruit, which also includes the Genzos and the Bellemeres. I'd also avoid.

Skulls, evolvers, exp, sockets, candy - ALL farmable, do not bother. You will be able to clear invasions one day. No need to rush.

Recruits - usually massively outdated and you will be better served by most newer RRs. Avoid.

Ships - this is the ONLY arguable point, in my opinion. If you dont like the idea of the super strong 30 gem ships (Hoe, Zunisha, Megalo etc), then investing the raypoints into some ships from here (like the Dutchman that can be a passable exp ship) would be a good idea. If you do however have the superships, I'd say avoid.


u/jadan10 Promising Rookie Oct 01 '20

Gotcha thanks! The LRR ticket is the 30k one right?


u/BoomShakaLarka Sep 30 '20

Skulls as you need them, ships as you need them, Scrolls, Cotton Candy if you're desperate, legend/rr pulls if you don't need anything