r/OnePieceTC Jul 29 '20

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] July 28, 2020 - August 04, 2020 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

This megathread is to house your questions regarding teambuilding or just questions in general about the game.

Don't hesitate to ask!

  • Posting your box is recommended for more accurate advice, but please sort your characters by "favorite" and make sure you have every important character marked as favorite to get the best posible answers

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All concurrent events are updated manually and can be found in the following wiki pages:


Please refer to the sidebar, menu, wiki, megathreads OR use the search bar.

Question not answered? You may re-post within a reasonable time frame (~2H)

Do NOT ask for karma/upvotes. If you see anyone doing so, please report them.


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u/CubeoHS Jul 31 '20

Arlong's ship is under Unlockable Quests in Extra Island. Costs 30 gems, it's called something like "Get the Shark Superb in this adventure"


u/jadan10 Promising Rookie Jul 31 '20

So once I spend the 30 gems to unlock the quest, I immediately get the ship?


u/CubeoHS Jul 31 '20

There’s a quest to clear but it’s really easy. You want to ideally use double Chopper captains, but a Chopper FC and a captain that can dupe a drop (like the Buggy raid or even better Legend Buggy) will do.


u/jadan10 Promising Rookie Jul 31 '20

Ooh gotcha. Just curious, what does the quest drop?


u/CubeoHS Jul 31 '20

Like 5 lobsters of 3m exp, 1 +100CC of each type, one of the top Support Medals and an absolute almighty?


u/jadan10 Promising Rookie Jul 31 '20

Wow nice, will any chopper work for the mission?


u/rddt78 Promising Rookie Jul 31 '20

You should use Legend Chopper (the PSY Christmas version)


u/CubeoHS Jul 31 '20

Legend chopper, the christmas one


u/BrooklynSmash Jul 31 '20

How come Legend Buggy is a better option? Don't they both give an extra drop upon a clear?


u/CubeoHS Jul 31 '20

Raid is a chance