r/OnePieceTC Jul 29 '20

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] July 28, 2020 - August 04, 2020 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

This megathread is to house your questions regarding teambuilding or just questions in general about the game.

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u/TJC822 Promising Rookie Jul 29 '20

I got a question for f2p players, do you use gems to refill your sailing stamina on Treasure Map? I'm asking because I've been playing for nearly a year and I haven't been able to get max limit break on anybody and honestly it's making me depressed to the point where I want to quit the game.


u/rddt78 Promising Rookie Jul 29 '20

I never gem for TMs.

So are you having problems getting Mastery points or LB materials (or both?). Higher TM (GL, NW) gives you more of both.

If need be, you can use TM tickets to get the missing LB materials, but it is costly. Right now you can get a lot of LB materials on the Big Find Treasure Island (global). Try to make a (double) Raid Buggy team for extra drops.


u/TJC822 Promising Rookie Jul 29 '20

I'm having trouble getting LB materials (more specifically I'm having trouble getting the big round jewels) I'm still in the lowest tier due to the fact that I only rank in the top 2,000 when I play TM.

I can't beat the Treasure Island that offers LB material, I never have been able to beat anything beyond Veteran or Expert when it came to events, because whenever I went to Nakama Network to look up teams to build for the events I always find that I'm missing the units needed for the team.


u/rddt78 Promising Rookie Jul 29 '20

Sorry to hear that. Though top 3000 in East Blue should get you promoted to Grand Line if you don't skip any TMs.

That said, fully LB a unit does take time. Especially reds as they need 10 Jewels. It isn't easy. Same here. I am short of the green Jewels, so I have to carefully consider if want to LB any of my Dex characters at all.

Perhaps you shouldn't focus on LB per se, but try to get as many different characters, level up their specials. That is the basis for clearing content and ranking up on TM and getting LB materials will follow.


u/alex_grv Jul 30 '20

Never. I used to leave some of the chopperman special quests, cuz they are 0 stamina and give huge amounts of xp. So everytime i got low on sailing stamina or normal one i just leveled up there and refilled it. Now i dont have those quests anymore and I just do the turtle island with double jack captain and a ship to boost xp.