r/OnePiece May 23 '24

Current Chapter One Piece: Chapter 1115 Spoiler

Chapter 1115: "Continental Fragments"

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Ch. 1115 Official Release (Mangaplus): 05/27/2024

Ch. 1116 Scan Release: ~05/31/2024 - No break!

Please discuss the manga here and in the theory/discussion post. Any other post will be removed until 24h after the release.

Please also remember to put the chapter number in the title for any future post talking about this chapter.


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u/ResearchNervous992 Thriller Bark Victim's Association May 23 '24

That underwater panel tho..


u/Pemols Bounty Hunter May 23 '24 edited May 23 '24

Hits hard doesn't it? It just feels strange that there are CONTINENTS with huge towns and castles and buildings underwater and no fishmen found it weird or even tried to consider how did all that got sunken in the first place?


u/paullx May 23 '24

In the darkness of the sea? Have you forgotten why they live in fishman island?


u/Kokks May 23 '24

the light kinda traps them into FMI, likes flies.


u/ArcadianBlueRogue Void Month Survivor May 23 '24

You know, that is a SUPER good point. I was wondering the same thing about the Fishmen not seeming in on the scam but yeah, light travels down the trees and I forgot till you said something.


u/Buscemi_D_Sanji May 23 '24

You mean when the two fishmen we've seen exploring underwater have no problem seeing things anywhere they've gone?


u/Doomroar May 24 '24

It is just 200 meters deep, at that point the darkness is not that big of an issue, compared to FI which is 10000 meters deep


u/Vendricksbeard May 24 '24

Mate just 200 meters? You can't see shit at 100 meters, light doesn't go that far.


u/Doomroar May 24 '24

It actually goes that far, the twilight zone starts precisely below that point, so any ruins that sank at higher altitude would get a comfortable amount of light, like the ones the Seabeast where living in on Jinbei's cover story


u/kykusanagi May 24 '24

Not just 200 meters deep but the sea level ROSE 200 meters, how can many people misunderstood about this.

Even when the old land is "only" 200m deep, the whole ocean is deeper than that. And it's probably not just one continent that's sunked, there were probably 7 continents like our world or maybe more, not to mention all the islands. Finding city, town, village or any trace of civilization in one big island is not easy, let alone continent.

Here's the thing, do you know that people can easily lost and disoriented under the sea even if it's just 20m deep? people got lost all the time at LAND, fishmen would too at 200 meters..in a very big One Piece world.


u/Doomroar May 25 '24

No no, you are the one with the weird misconception that most land mass exist at sea level, the sea raising 200 meters doesn't means everything ends up under 200 meters

If your home town is at an altitude of 100m above sea water

And the sea rises 200 meters

It means that it ends submerged under 100 meters of water

Statistically speaking a lot of landmass would be quite accessible for fishmen to live in relatively close to sunlight, because while a lot of places would end underwater, it doesn't means that they all end 200 m deep, or even below 200 m

Fishmen can comfortably navigate the seafloor at depths of 10000m, without any issues, and we get to see them finding old ruins each time a cover story focuses on them, Jinbei cover story? he finds ruins, Hachi cover story? he finds ruins, Pappag cover story? he finds ruins

The sea floor has ruins all around it, but we never knew how important they were until this chapter, Jinbei even got a poneglyph out of the ruins he dealt with