I love go kart racing but since the price is steep I dont go as ofter as I would like, I go about once a month, but the thing is: I don't feel like I'm improving...
I'm currently 3/4 done with Terence Dove's karting book and have finished You suck at racing (its more generic motosport centric but I found it to be a good read), as well as watching tons of videos about karting tips and optimal lines on the tracks Im gonna race on.
I feel like Im never improving! Even though I try to do what they tell on the books and videos, I dont know if I'm accomplishing it or even if its making a difference!
I have this pretty big friend group I kart with and I always end up second and fourth in best lap time.
I'm thinking of participating in a 10 weekend long amateur tournament next year and wanted to be at least level with my fellow competitors.
So is it just that I lack talent or should I be doing something else?