r/JewsOfConscience Nov 06 '24

AAJ "Ask A Jew" Wednesday

It's everyone's favorite day of the week, "Ask A (Anti-Zionist) Jew" Wednesday! Ask whatever you want to know, within the sub rules, notably that this is not a debate sub and do not import drama from other subreddits. That aside, have fun! We love to dialogue with our non-Jewish siblings.

Please remember to pick an appropriate user-flair in order to participate! Thanks!


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u/ulixForReal Non-Jewish Ally Nov 06 '24

How antisemitic is it, that upon learning someone is a Jew, my immediate thought is "they propbably support Israel"?


u/sudo_apt-get_intrnet LGBTQ Jew Nov 07 '24

Its definitely antisemitic, even if its not that bad a microaggression. You should probably work on that.

No people-group is a monolith. It is just like assuming any American you meet supports Trump, any Mainland Chinese person supports all the actions of the CCP, or any Russian person supports Putin.


u/ulixForReal Non-Jewish Ally Nov 07 '24

I know all that obviously. I mean I'm on this sub after all and many of my personal heroes are Jewish people (most of whom had a very critical relationship with Israel). But I'm also German and a bit brainwashed in that regard. Generally I'd say German jewry is disproportianally supportive of Israel when compared to Jews in other countries, the only real exception being Israeli expats.