r/Audi 2005 Audi A4, 1999 Audi A4 1d ago

Ok i fixed it

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No silly banner No silly towhook Recommend me cosmetic modifications please


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u/WWGHIAFTC 1d ago

Nah, he literally asked what YOU would do different.

This is just crowdsourced modding.


u/Bingus444 2005 Audi A4, 1999 Audi A4 1d ago

i didnt even take it off yet this just a old pic but i think ppl are right it does look cleaner without it and maybe if i did have a tow hook cap it would clean up the front end. idk, im having fun with it thats all i care about, the unnecessary disrespect is whats surprising me


u/mikeysd123 B8.5 S4 6MT 1d ago

Every german car guy is going to tell you oem+ is the way which i cant disagree with as i do prefer simple mods but it’s your car. Do what makes you happy.


u/maladaptivelucifer 1d ago

That shit is so boring though. Why does everyone want their car to look like everyone else’s? That’s my whole issue with this subreddit. It’s a bunch of people trying to flash status or some shit instead of just enjoying cars. Like “look at me I have an Audi! And it looks exactly the same as when I bought it!”.

Cool? If you like that and it makes you happy, I can get behind that (I can get behind people liking cars in general), but this is more like people wanting to have the newest shitty water bottle to impress their empty-headed neighbors. If you mod it, then the neighbors won’t know how expensive and amazing your car is because they’re too stupid to recognize it with a different fender or whatever.

It’s just strange to me, but maybe it’s because I’m an artist and a car straight out the factory looks like a blank canvas to me. Change that shit up. Make it yours. Fuck resale value. You’re gonna drive it all the time, make it what you want it to be and stop worrying about people liking it.

And this comment isn’t directed at you specifically, just something I think about every time I see a bunch of comments about people not liking someone’s car here. There definitely is some weird push to make sure no one changes their Audi and is bullied into submission.


u/mikeysd123 B8.5 S4 6MT 1d ago

I think it’s just the typical euro guy is an understated demographic that doesn’t like flashy things not necessarily that they all want to look the same. Also like you said people are afraid of ruining resale value with certain mods.

You’re not wrong, I fit in that category simply because I’m just a wolf in sheeps clothing kind of guy and i care much more about function rather than form. I’ll go for performance mods over cosmetic all day any day. I do agree with you i wish people would not care as much and just do what makes them happy because thats what modding a car is about, making it yours. Fuck what other people think.


u/maladaptivelucifer 1d ago

That makes sense to me though—sleeper cars are pretty cool, especially when they go so far beyond what anyone would be expecting. But most people here don’t seem to be doing that, so it’s just kinda sad to me. I guess if they’re enjoying it—I wouldn’t shit on anyone for that. I’ve seen some cars here that were hideous, but you could tell the owner loved it! To me that’s what counts. Who gives a fuck what I think or anyone does. One of these days I’ll have to post one of my cars when it’s finished so everyone here can hate on it. Might bring everyone together!


u/tachyonicglass 10h ago

the s3 subreddit is much different than this audi one. More people are likely to mod a s3 than almost any other audi. I got nothing but love posting my new rims on it