r/AskMenAdvice 2d ago

Patriarchy Hoax Opinion

So I have been reading that women were traditionally been opressed by men. Although to some context it is true. Whenever I think about it becomes hazy and I can't digest it. Like my ancestors and many more worked so hard all their lives so that we in present can have a better future, just to be called oppressors in modern times. Also for marraiges were women weren't treated fairly there were also men who got women like that. So it's basically comes down to like there are good people and bad people. Also now I see many countries that have baised laws have their birth rates below 2.1 . Breaking the family unit apart is the best way to break us apart in future. I guess many of us had a decent family to teach us things from both perspectives. I can't speak on this way more although I guess it would be mundane. I don't mean to come out as offensive to anyone just my thoughts and want to know about it from different perspectives.

Edit 1 :- Thank you everyone for sharing your perspective I'll try to look into each one. Also again a heartful thank you for letting me now the insights. Try to keep a unbiased view. Wish you a great time ahead. Edit 2 :- I'll be closing this thread after few days. Got much needed insight .


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u/Miserable-Most-1265 man 1d ago

There is nothing a man can legally do, that a woman is prevented from doing. While sure they can talk about the past, this isn't the past.


u/CommunityDefiant4292 1d ago

You’re right  But WE still live from the consequences of the past 

The civil war and aftermath destroyed the southern states  World world 1 destroyed the European countryside society  Jim Crow laws destroyed African American families and livelihoods  Reagan’s and Thatcher’s social policies destroyed unions and pensions for the workers and welfare for the sick and poor …leading to the homelessness crises of now and the never ending working life (work until you die)  Clinton’s drugs law sent thousands of people to jail Gerrymandering lead to a lack of meaningful representation in congress,  Supreme Court position on firearms, since 10 years ago are the cause of thousands of deaths,  Supreme Court decision on campaign financing leads to corporations being really at the helm !  The list goes on !  1% of men decide the lives of every single one of us 


u/CommunityDefiant4292 1d ago

Banking deregulation brought the great depression of the 20’s 30’s which led to ww2  Banking deregulation brought us the great recession of 2008 … But the rich got richer of their own doing