r/AskMenAdvice 2d ago

Do men ask women out anymore?

For the men… do you/ would you ask out a woman if you’re just out and about and saw someone you found attractive in some way?? Oo and has a woman ever asked you out?? If I find the guts.. I would love to ask a guy out next year.


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u/fiftysevenpunchkid man 2d ago edited 2d ago

No. I have been told that many women are made uncomfortable by being approached in public. It's not about me and worries about how they will react to me, it's me not wanting to make people uncomfortable.

The closest I have been to being asked out by a woman in public was at a house party with some friends. We already knew each other reasonably well, though.

OTOH, I have been hit on by many gay men in public. Unfortunately, I don't swing that way, but it is nice to know that someone finds me attractive.

If you are interested in a guy, make sure that you are being more than just friendly. Many women complain that they can't be friendly with a man without them thinking that they are interested in them. Most men will only make a move if you have made it extremely clear that it will be well received.