r/AskMenAdvice 2d ago

Do men ask women out anymore?

For the men… do you/ would you ask out a woman if you’re just out and about and saw someone you found attractive in some way?? Oo and has a woman ever asked you out?? If I find the guts.. I would love to ask a guy out next year.


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u/Upstairs-Farm7106 man 2d ago

Feminists ruined it for everyone. 


u/Original_Estimate_88 man 2d ago

Seems like it...


u/Adventurous_Ad182 2d ago

I am old. Happily married 37 years feminine, slim, a dream wife, 2 of my sons have been f over by 2 western women, going thru divorces. If I was a young bloke I wouldn't go near a western woman. Toxic nightmares


u/Upstairs-Farm7106 man 2d ago

It’s only getting worse. Young women nowadays have no form of responsibility or self-accountability. 

God bless the husbands of those in r/twoxchromosomes.