r/AbsoluteUnits 2d ago

of a komodo dragon


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u/ElCondor_777 2d ago

And some people actually said they could beat this animal in a fight 😂😂 Not a single chance


u/afeeqo 2d ago

Hunnie u r underestimating mankind! We could beat em just not in a fistfight! 😂


u/Titan_of_Ash 1d ago

Whenever the terminology of the human beating animal in a fight is used, it's always in a fist fight. So no, the person you replied to is not underestimating mankind, because guns are not even a metric in the original point of contention.


u/Sabre_Killer_Queen 1d ago

Tempted to start a new sect of Christianity now...

It's exactly the same as before, but when God creates Adam and Eve, he creates them with gun augments.

And instead of being manipulated by the serpent Eve just blasts it with some kind of awesome biological machine gun.

The only reason why we don't do that today is we've forgotten how to use them. Secrets lost to the ages.


u/Titan_of_Ash 1d ago

Sign me up! I beseech your Enlightenment, oh Wise One!!


u/AfricanAmericanMage 1d ago

It's like saying you could beat a cheetah in a footrace because humans have invented cars. Like no shit. That's not the fucking argument here.


u/Titan_of_Ash 1d ago
