r/stopdrinking 1d ago

14 years sober today

I did it. You can too. Life is so great without alcohol. The Big Book Promises will come true.


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u/ThrowDeepALWAYS 375 days 1d ago

Congrats! I have a question.

At what point can we just say, i don’t drink? It feels like counting everyday will get tedious and cause tension. The tension gets more and more intense until you snap like a rubber band.

Can we just let it go at some point? Or is this a life sentence of just counting and counting until we die?


u/eeeezypeezy 2037 days 22h ago

I found counting days helped me stay vigilant, and kept the prospect of backsliding front and center in my mind, during the earlier days of sobriety when it was tough. After a while I was only counting anniversaries, though.

I have an app that keeps track of exactly how many days it's been, and I go look at that (and browse around here!) whenever I need a reminder of where I was and what I have to lose.


u/FlakyFlatworm 12h ago

same re browsing around here; good to be reminded of 'those years'