r/runninglifestyle 2d ago

Considering Gel Cumulus 25 as an overweight, mildly overpronative runner

I'm 215 lbs, I do overpronate a little. Currently using Kayano 30 for over 800 kms and they're showing signs of wearing out. My training load isn't much yet, about 20-30km a week.

I see Gel Cumulus 25 is on a massive discount, almost 60% off in India. Should I go for it considering my wait and pronation nature?

I'm training for a half marathon starting January.


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u/Dangerous-Limit2887 1d ago

I weigh 225 at 5’10” I run about 20-30 miles a week and swap between 2 pairs of new balance rebel v4 and a pair of new balance rebel v3. Last 2 half’s I did I trained swapping 2 pair of asics novablast 3 and hoka Mach Xs they all outlasted the cost. I recommend asics superblast as well it was an excellent long run/ recovery run shoe….. if the gel cumulus are 60% off wouldn’t hurt to give them a try I’ve found surprisingly great shoes just by buying what’s on sell. I have never used them so I can’t speak for them