r/rescuecats 2d ago

NSFW: Please sign petition 🙏 involving abusive Sherrifs Deputy NSFW

Warning: very disturbing case. NSFW. Please help demand justice. Graphic details in petition link.

(You can safely sign without reading/no graphic photos)



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u/naesk 2d ago

Commenting again here to help boost and gain visibility traction. I notice your previous post was removed.




u/chocolatfortuncookie 2d ago

Thank you for your support! 🙏❤️ due to the graphic nature, the posts on this sub have to keep the disturbing details hidden and out of the title so that scrolling folks can bypass if they chose. My fault, I get it. I like to avoid things that haunt my thoughts too, but then I realized that just because I don't know about it, it doesn't mean those things don't happen. It's hard to stomach knowing the evils of the world, but I'm glad some are capable and willing to help. It starts with awareness, we can't let evil persist in the dark, we will bring it to light and demand justice.