r/reddeadredemption 4d ago

Q&A /r/RedDeadRedemption Weekly Question & Answer Thread - Week 51, 2024

All common questions about the game should be directed here. This includes both single-player and online questions. When asking a question, it is often beneficial to share which mode you are referring to in order to get an accurate response. Also consider sharing any relevant information that may help someone answer your question.

All story spoilers must be displayed with the proper format:

>!RDR is a great game!<

gives you:

RDR is a great game

If you're not sure if you should use a spoiler tag or not, err on the side of caution and use one. Also, it's a nice gesture to visibly indicate the general nature of your spoiler before the tag, so people know what you're spoiling.

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u/Cheap_Goat_138 1d ago

I just got RDR2 and I’m enjoying it so far. I know there’s six chapters in the story but how long are they individually?


u/PunkRockStonerJock 1d ago

If you like to focus on other stuff as well, the chapters aren't short. Take your time collecting pelts and doing some challenges, especially to get the Legend of the East Satchel because that will help you out a lot in the long run if you find yourself needing tonics and whatnot often. Trying to be spoiler free, just in case


u/Cheap_Goat_138 1d ago

Ok thank you


u/PunkRockStonerJock 1d ago

No problem at all! Hope my advice helps you have a nice time playing. As a side note, if you don't feel like directing your horse when traveling a long distance, just set a way point on your map and the horse will follow the roads there as long as you turn on cinematic mode and hold or tap A or X on Xbox and Playstation respectively. Not sure of PC controls, sorry


u/Cheap_Goat_138 1d ago

Good to know, thanks


u/PunkRockStonerJock 1d ago

You're welcome, thats my preferred way to fast travel because I can take some bong rips while my horse is just jamming. Remember to keep an eye on your horse's health and stamina though, one time I used the map for fast travel and when I showed up to Van Horn my horse was on the ground needing to be revived. Luckily I had some horse reviver on me, cuz I love my black Arabian, even though she's the most skittish horse on the planet.