r/pathofexile 8d ago

Cautionary Tale If you don't run the Deferral Reducing Node, you will regret it.

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13 comments sorted by


u/Grand0rk 8d ago

Rip 24 Divines.


u/Electrical_Bar8065 8d ago

That is super expensive for that item. I have 8/8 ritual and even then only sometimes get over 3k tributes.


u/Thirteenera 7d ago

How the fuck do you even get 3.9k tribute in poe2?

I run alched multi mod maps, irradiating towers, and biggest tribute I got with 4 rituals was like 2.8k


u/Expert_Letterhead_92 7d ago

Ohhh that looks painful. Does someone know how much they Map for the Fight costs to buy out/defer?

I Run some Ritual to get invitation to get some of the Ritual atlas Points....would be devastated If i finally see it with a price tag i cant afford.


u/NYJetLegendEdReed 7d ago

Do Omens sell good? I've got a bunch because I have no idea how they work and im super poor and need currency lol


u/Grand0rk 7d ago

Yes, the high end omens are expensive and there's a common one that goes for 30 ex+ too.

Also, just use the Currency Exchange to check the price.


u/NYJetLegendEdReed 7d ago

I didn't know the currency exchange was accurate, thank you!! I've been saving my exs for a greater jeweler orb lol. Was hoping that 39 ex price wasnt accurate...oof. But I'm going to check which omens I have later and probably sell them off. I think I've got like 5 total so hoping one is the one people want.


u/Grand0rk 7d ago

If you have the EXP one, then you can get 30 ex+


u/Lumiharu 8d ago

How do you even get the skill points for other stuff than bosses and the main tree? However hard I try I can't seem to get any even based on the clues when you hover them.


u/ripperinos 8d ago

You need to do the pinnacle boss encounters

Ritual -> "Audience with the King" opens portal to King in the Mists bossfight

Breach -> collect 300 splinters to combine into a Breachstone -> opens Portal to Xesht

Delirium -> collect 300 splinters to combine into a Simulacrum -> clear all Simulacrum waves

Expedition (not sure about this one) -> drop expedition logbooks, open them at dannig -> hope the expedition contains a boss encounter and blow it up

Each encounter awards points to spec into the tree, which also ups the difficulty. Defeat the bosses again at higher difficulty to unlock more points


u/BScotty757 7d ago

Wow thanks for letting me know that I'll never have more than like 2 points. Whoever at ggg thought up that system is ridiculous. I'm to the t12 mapping quest blasting t15+s and I still only have 150 breach splinters.

New atlas tree system is beyond garbage


u/Grand0rk 7d ago

What? Breach Splinters are by far the easiest to get. Check how many Simulacrum Splinters you have, lol.


u/BScotty757 7d ago

Yeah, I reiterate that the system is garbage. I have two simu splinters.

I've done over 100 maps so far, with like 1/3 being t15 or higher and I'm not even halfway to the most common boss for extra atlas points in a mechanic. Have yet to see a citadel.

The game has a good baseline but my God some of the decisions like backtracking an entire map for a missed rare are just fucking baffling. If someone actually enjoys that, like a single person, I would be so surprised.