r/nextfuckinglevel 26d ago

Removed: Not NFL Pilots narrowly avoids crashing due to heavy winds from a tornado.

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u/fgwr4453 26d ago

This doesn’t seem amazing. It seems like a pilot that doesn’t know when to call off a landing or to just land somewhere else.

I know that neither of those options are great but a crash landing is far worse. If you don’t know if it is safe to land, don’t try to land.

It could have been a tower issue but usually the pilot has enough information to make a good decision.


u/braveyetti117 25d ago

It was a downdraft. Pilot saved a lot of lives



The pilot did everything right here.


u/aberroco 25d ago

I agree. The weather is defnitely far from perfect, the visibility is bad and you can see the wind is variable. Pilots should had much more information that what can be deduced from the video. So, it's likely that pilots took unsafe decision.

And no, it's not downdraft, at least not only downdraft. It won't cause tilt on one wing - that's on pilot.