r/medical Aug 05 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 Why does my finger scar keep producing these hard white orbs under the skin? NSFW


Why does my finger scar keep producing these hard white orbs under my skin?

3rd one in a year. It hurts a lot until I eventually get it to pop out. Then comes back a few months later.

I cut my finger with a hedge trimmer over a year ago and it’s been doing this ever since. This is the biggest one yet. How can I prevent this from happening, they are very hard to remove and hurt a lot

r/medical 27d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 I believe this is an abscess on my finger. It has been draining steadily over the last few days but in the last day or so this has happened. NSFW


First image was taken Thursday the second was taken tonight. I'm wondering if i should just bandage it up with a finger cot like I did this morning and head into work tomorrow or if i should call in and get it looked at by a professional. Having no insurance has really stopped me from getting help so far because I am afraid of the cost if it can be solved at home. It hurt a few days ago but now it's completely fine unless I bump it against something.

r/medical 22d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 Is this blood I am puking out (again)? And what should I do if it is? NSFW Spoiler

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A few weeks ago I was puking blood, but it was just a little bit and it looked like coffee grounds (second pic) and it happened after I was drinking a lot of alcohol and doing cocaine on an empty stomach. Last night I was again drinking and doing cocaine but this time it wasn’t a lot at all and I think i might be puking blood again but this time it doesn’t really look like coffee grounds(first picture), and I can’t tell if I’m over thinking it and panicking myself. If it is blood again, is there something I should do? It’s only ever happened the one time before.

And for dinner last night I ate around 7PM and had chicken wings. It’s now 1:30 pm the next day and this started around 11.

The puke tastes and feels like bile and it does have a metallic taste like blood but usually bile does in general I think. I feel pretty nauseous and my stomach is kind of burning but not excruciatingly.

r/medical 12h ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 What is this in my partners ear???? NSFW

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Anyone know what this is in ear????

Partners ear has been hurting on and off lately. Sometimes he says it feels like water in his ear and makes popping noise when hiccuping or yawning. He looked in his ear with our ear device we have and this is in his ear. It doesn’t move. He put peroxide/water in his ear yesterday to help remove a lot of wax since the doctor said wax can make an ear hurt and afterwards, this sucker shown itself. He did a telehealth appointment before Christmas for a possible ear infection.

r/medical Nov 08 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 Is the tip of my finger infected? NSFW


Got the tip of my finger trapped on a table saw about 2 weeks ago (not on the actual blade but the space where the table slides).

It doesn't feel sore or throbbing and doesn't look or feel like it has swollen. Theres no pain all when I apply pressure around the scab. There's only pain if I accidently bump or scrape the scab.

Every day or two I have been applying anti septic cream on the scab and putting a new plaster and bandaging around the wound to act as a barrier on accidental bumps or scrapes. I have also been keeping it dry as much as possible.

I can't tell if there's any pus coming out but it seems to be having trouble sealing up. What I'm concerned about is the blue area at the bottom of the nail and the orangey brown area on the side of the finger. Is this just bruising and scabbing up or is it infected?

Also would it be worth gluing it up?

r/medical Oct 03 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 Was told this is shingles NSFW


Title. Am F22 and had the chickenpox vaccine—so shingles was never on my radar. I thought it was a staph infection originally. Saw a doctor yesterday who said it’s shingles and put me on anti-virals. If that doesn’t work, I’ll have to be put on steroids and antibiotics. Doctor seemed really sure of what it was though—especially my arms.

I’ve only had this on my arms since like Friday and it’s spreading. I thought I had ingrown hairs or something so i scratched these tiny bumps on my arm. Was shocking to see the next day there were wounds. It also only started itching today. Woke me up at 2am, had to take the bandage I was wearing off because it was SO. ITCHY.

My face I’ve been having issues with since last year—thought it was cystic acne. But what’s on my face isn’t really acting like acne, nor do I really get hormonal acne like that. But they hurt, and are also itchy.

I’m a bit skeptical of it being shingles for two reasons—how long I’ve had issues with my face (since May of 2023) and the fact it’s on both of my arms. Isn’t bilateral shingles supposed to be rare? I can’t really find any resources about that or how long it’s supposed to last. I just keep seeing 3-5 weeks.

The doctor I saw wasn’t a dermatologist—he’s a family physician. I obviously trust him enough to have gotten the prescription filled and am taking the meds, but I want to know if shingles does present like this normally. Or if it could be anything else—especially my face.

r/medical 6d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 skin irritation on my hands is SO bad, i have no clue what it’s from, any advice NSFW


i have no clue what this is from. it happens at completely random times and it doesn’t seem to be any kind of allergic reaction, but they itch SO FUCKING BAD. they’re nowhere else on my body. i currently am taking adderall and Wellbutrin, if this may be the reason idk. i also smoke nicotine and weed, if this is a side effect idk??

r/medical 16d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 What’s wrong with my tongue? It’s been like this for three weeks. NSFW Spoiler

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Feels like I burned the tip of my tongue even though I know I didn’t. Sometimes after I eat there is some pain. What’s going on with my tongue?

r/medical Nov 30 '22

Pain Lvl 1-3 Tried donating plasma Saturday and was turned away after getting jabbed in both arms, next day wake up like this… this is the worst arm, still painful with I move it and lift weight. Can I still workout with a bruise and pain like this? NSFW


r/medical Nov 10 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 Is this blood I’m throwing up? NSFW Spoiler

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All I ate yesterday was an apple and then I drank a lot and now I’m throwing up and it looks like this, which I’ve never had before. Is this blood? It tastes like bile but I’ve never had bile look like this before.

r/medical Jul 28 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 I got hit in the face with a prosthetic arm in a mosh pit. Do i need medical stitches or im good NSFW


Any internet doctors know the diagnosis to this wound

r/medical Oct 11 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 My friend coughed this up, what is it? NSFW


It was hard and dense, hard to squish. Not food.

r/medical 1d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 Why do my stitches that I’ve had in for 14 days look like they are not ready to be taken out. I was supposed to get out 4 days ago. I’m also still having pain in the lower half of my wound? NSFW

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r/medical Nov 23 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 skin is irritated by bandaid, should i be worried??? and what should i do?? NSFW


r/medical Nov 18 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 I got kicked by a horse last week NSFW


I got kicked in the thigh last Thursday by a young horse. I’ve been icing it and trying to get the swelling down. It is very achy and sore but numb when touching the skin, I have a limp and the leg itself feels wobbly. Friends are saying to go get it checked out but I would really rather not (UK based, NHS waiting times are crazy). Does this need medical attention or should I just keep icing? Attaching photos of the day after I did it (first pic) and a photo of it today (second pic).

r/medical 9d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 My Cat bit me, do I need to go to the hospital? NSFW

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So my cat bit me while I was giving her a pill. I tried it take a clear picture of it. It kinda hurts, and I can't snap without it hurting worse. It feels kinda warm, and it's a little swollen. No puss. Do I need to go to the hospital? Or should I just chill and ice it?

r/medical 8d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 Woke up with sore throat, upper chest now hurts when I swallow?? NSFW


Been going on for an hour or so. Clearing my throat a LOT today. Doesn’t hurt to breathe. What’s causing it?

r/medical Aug 29 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 Please help, painful red spots on feet NSFW


If anyone can diagnose this and any potential remedies that would be great, at first I thought it was athletes foot so I’ve been using lamisil AT bist it doesn’t really seem to work.

r/medical Dec 12 '23

Pain Lvl 1-3 These plantar warts are so painful and won't go?? NSFW Spoiler

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I've had them for about 4 years and have tried several treatments. They limit my ability to walk as they hurt so much. I'd do anything to get them to go. Any suggestions welcome

r/medical 1d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 What can it be? It's really itchy NSFW Spoiler

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It's moving throughout my body Like it's one place and then it disappears and apprers somewhere else

I have no known allergies

It's like red around and sorta white inside if you can see

r/medical Nov 20 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 Can yellow skin be caused by chafing? NSFW


r/medical Jul 29 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 Sacrificed my finger to avoid a knife through my foot. Does this look like it need stitches? NSFW


I dropped a kitchen knife and caught it with my finger. I can't look at too long otherwise I'll faint (it's about happened both times I cleaned it). If I don't get stitches will it heal into that weird point?

r/medical Dec 03 '22

Pain Lvl 1-3 Any idea what this purple red rash might be from? Yes, we have a doctors appointment. No fever came on suddenly and has spread to over 70% of his body. NSFW

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r/medical 26d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 For a few weeks now I’ve had a yellowish hard lip on the back of my right heel NSFW


It doesn’t usually hurt but it almost always feels weird and sometimes hurts to step on. There’s a much softer lip on my left heel that doesn’t hurt or feel weird unless I touch it. I don’t think its from shoes as the shoes I wear most of the time aren’t super right on my heels. If someone wants more info I’ll try to give more info.

r/medical 24d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 Chainsaw wound, do I need stitches? NSFW Spoiler

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Hi guys, this is gonna sound stupid. I cut the side of my thigh with a chainsaw earlier. Bleeding has stopped (minimal bleeding), I cleaned out the wound and disinfected it. Pain is minimal as well. Second picture has a 2 euro coin for scale lmao. Do I need stitches? FYI I received a tetanus shot in 2022. The wound doesn't look deep at all if I look at it from a side.