r/labrats 2d ago

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u/La3Rat 2d ago

Mostly a change in how PI's run labs post COVID. The reality is that PI's have an absolute ton of meetings and obligations. We used to run from meeting to meeting all day with little breaks between. Now everything is zoom and those little breaks between meetings are gone. Everything is back to back. On days where I have back to back to back zoom meetings, I work from home.


u/three_martini_lunch 2d ago

Correct. And because meetings are back-to-back on zoom meetings no longer have 10-15 minutes between meetings to swing by the lab and check in. I barely can get to the bathroom some days.


u/La3Rat 2d ago

I now block off time for lunch and open office/zoom time and lab walkabouts so that invites dont get pushed in to take up every available time slot between 8 and 6. I keep a hour slot or two a week blocked off as well for immediate meeting needs that can’t wait weeks to have.