r/kingsnottrash May 03 '20

Advice Working out is not a suggestion it’s mandatory

Lifting should be one of the foundations of becoming a king.

Effects of lifting

⚫️ better respect from both men and women. No one would dare disrespect a fit guy who takes care of himself

⚫️better testosterone levels which means you have high energy and don’t feel tired all the time.

⚫️ you sleep better.

⚫️high metabolism

⚫️better motivation and discipline

⚫️high confidence from good physical appearance

Every king should make working out a must

Taken from r/TheKingPill


46 comments sorted by


u/SonOfTheBrahmin May 03 '20

Any suggestions for beginner regimens? Am a skinny guy, 5’10”, 155lbs


u/[deleted] May 03 '20 edited Jan 07 '21



u/SonOfTheBrahmin May 03 '20

Will check it out, thanks!!


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

Bit late, but as an alternative to starting strength try stronglifts 5x5, it's extremely similar but it has a free app for your phone.

Extremely simplified nutrition advice in case you might need it:

Your body uses calories as fuel, calories are found in proteins, fats and carbs. The number of calories used everyday is called the TDEE, search up TDEE calculator online. If you are eating more than your TDEE and not doing strength training you will get fat, if you are doing strength training you will gain muscle. If you eat less than the TDEE, you will lose fat. To get the most from your workouts, try getting more than 80g of protein everyday.


u/SonOfTheBrahmin May 07 '20

SUPER helpful. Thanks so much!!!


u/bonobo-no May 04 '20

How are you skinny? I’m 5’11” 135 lbs and I’m skinnyfat with a beer belly.


u/SonOfTheBrahmin May 04 '20 edited May 04 '20

Dunno. Ask my metabolism.


u/anonymouse604 May 07 '20

He probably has more lean muscle mass than you. Even skinny guys have some muscle.


u/[deleted] May 03 '20



u/SonOfTheBrahmin May 03 '20

At least I can spell.


u/ShadedSummers May 04 '20

This guy is actually a healthy weight for his height. Why are you being a prick on a male positivity sub?


u/Fighterrrr May 03 '20

I must say that gym literally saved my life. I was on very very wrong, hedonistic path, I was harming myself constantly going out to party blacking out almost every time and PMOing a lot. Lifting weights taught me to be patient and systematic. And you just feel so good when u eat healthy and work out you know? 😊


u/WeAreLostSoAreYou May 04 '20

Adding high intensity cardio can also lead to slower aging and reduced risk of chronic disease


u/Knightfall3n May 03 '20

How should I start lol. 6’2”, 140 lbs, very high metabolism


u/lilrobin50 May 03 '20

Try to do 100 sit-ups or push up a day or lift dumbbells start of with that


u/Knightfall3n May 03 '20

Thank you King. My transformation from King of lanky to just King will begin tomorrow.


u/lilrobin50 May 03 '20

Start today no excuses


u/IlfordDelta3200 May 03 '20

Start tracking your calories. 90% of the time, when people think they have a high metabolism, it's actually because they're eating far fewer calories than they imagine.


u/reddit2965 May 04 '20 edited May 04 '20

I didn’t start gaining weight until I started tracking how many calories I was metabolizing. Seriously I recommend everyone keep track of their calories consumed throughout the day, just carry around a piece of paper or use your phone or something. My base appetite seems to be very low so sometimes I have to force myself to eat.


u/Gadfly_on_the_Wall May 04 '20

I'd recommend body weight training, it's free and rewarding and would be relatively easy since your weight is so low. I did the Russian fighter pull up program for a while and saw great results.


u/anonymouse604 May 07 '20

Look up “Starting Strength”. Follow that routine like it’s the Bible, and eat large amounts of clean food. In a year you’ll be a monster.


u/[deleted] May 12 '20

it’s all about what you eat bro. 4000+ calories and look up and ectomorphic diet


u/Best_Kog_NA May 04 '20

Thanks for the new sub fellow King


u/Sergei_Suvorov May 04 '20

Kings don't let Kings play League


u/BENZ19020CARB May 03 '20

I don't like working out in general I'm all about self improvement but I just don't like working out in general it doesn't give me a good feeling or anything I rather be working on my car and learning other new things


u/lilrobin50 May 03 '20

Embrace being uncomfortable it’s for self betterment long term thinking over short term thinking


u/BENZ19020CARB May 03 '20

I'm not uncomfortable I just don't like it I don't enjoy it everytime I'd go I just got bored and it feels as a waste of time I'm not uncomfortable with my body at all I'm pretty lean but that is okay in my opinion, and I do some mountainbiking to keep in condition and I just generally enjoy it

I don't think you need to workout to be a king or become a king


u/Jofarr May 03 '20

ur making excuses. Youre not bored youre uncomfortable theres a difference. If you push through that discomfort a good feeling is waiting for u on the other side.


u/BENZ19020CARB May 03 '20

I'm sorry king but I have to disagree I don't feel uncomfortable going to the gym people keep putting that in my mouth but that's simply not true I don't like going it doesn't give me a good feeling. Working and earning gives me a way better feeling than going to the gym I'm not uncomfortable with my body and i get respect from people around me I don't need to be buff for that.


u/manos200 May 04 '20

You are correct. If you're healthy and have the right mindset, you're a king. No need to be hitting the gym 24/7. This sub is for kings, not gymbros.


u/[deleted] May 03 '20

Do you eat well? I used to not like working out too but I had a goal, so I worked out anyway only to be met with pain and no gain at all. Turns out I barely eat in general and all I eat were just calories to get by. There was a time period were I ate more (and healthy) that significantly improved working out. No weird pain, no uncomfortable tiredness.


u/BENZ19020CARB May 03 '20

I eat decent I guess i eat greens alot weekends I eat once a fat calories snack but I don't eat much


u/[deleted] May 03 '20

Could you give a few diet tips for a dude that doesn’t eat as much as he’d like to? I’ve been working out for quite some time now but I don’t feel that great, beyond the pride I take in finishing my hard work outs


u/[deleted] May 04 '20

I'm not an expert because I recently started eating more and better too. What is the reason you don't eat much? Could it be you don't like the taste or do you get full easily etc.


u/[deleted] May 04 '20

I get full quite easily, and fortunately my mother raised me with a fairly good diet, so I enjoy a lot of vegetables and fruits


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u/[deleted] May 03 '20

Walking or running is not the sport for kings, lifting is.


u/Triple_Integral May 03 '20

I used to only lift, but then the quarantine happened.

Running taught me a profound amount about manly endurance and refusing to quit when you want to.

In my opinion, kingly living is about being the men we were meant to be. Only lifting with no cardio gives the look of power, but none of the athleticism.

None of us would doubt that military service is manly. To make it in there, we need strength AND endurance, muscles and speed.

Running (not walking) has tested my fortitude in ways lifting never did.


u/[deleted] May 03 '20

Let's agree on a good mix between the two. I used to 10-20km each second day, and while I had good endurance, I was really thin which I doubt was king like. My confidence only grew after I started lifting.


u/[deleted] May 03 '20

you can run and be not thin, although you def. will be thin if you're doing 45-60KM weeks consistently and not eating 3500+ calories.


u/[deleted] May 03 '20

Yes that is correct, I was definetly obsessed over it, it was actually not healthy at all.


u/Triple_Integral May 04 '20

I can vibe with that 👌👌💯


u/bk2mummy4u Full Time King, Mod in my spare time May 03 '20

It's good to start with and it's free and works well to get people on the right path.


u/[deleted] May 03 '20

You only need your bodyweight to lift, it's free too! But I agree that my comment was hyperbolic.


u/[deleted] May 03 '20

can't have good health without cardio


u/reddit2965 May 04 '20

Rucking has been pretty fun so far, usually I dislike cardio but for whatever reason I enjoy it.