r/help 18h ago

Rule 8

Can someone from the admin team please explain what I actually did wrong?

First I get a message where it's saying I'm abusing the reporting tool. I've only ever used it to report posts that clearly don't follow the rules of the sub I've reported the posts on. That message was an automated message.

I then ask what types of reports, or where, I have been 'abusing'. I basically get a canned response saying I did something wrong, but no "what" at all.

I mean if you want users to stop using the report tool to report stuff like spam and rule violations, this is a great way! I'm trying to contribute to the subs I visit. Guess I'll completely stop doing that then.

Also your rule 8 doesn't even mention the report tool. For your information.

Sincerely; a pissed of Reddit user getting a slap on the wrist for trying to help.


27 comments sorted by


u/SpookyPebble Expert Helper 18h ago

If you've only ever reported the posts to the moderators then it is likely that the mods of that subreddit have reported you for what they feel is abuse of the report feature (I.e reporting content that isn't against their rules)


u/waterbloem 17h ago

Yes, so I'd like to know what sub I should stop reporting posts in because it means that that moderator is apparently someone who don't appreciate reports of rule violations. But they can't even tell me that.

Like I said; I've only ever reported posts that were clearly violating the rules of the sub they were posted in. So it's probably one single mod in one single sub reporting these 'violations'.

Now my only option is to stop using the report functionaliteit altogether, which is nuts, since most mods appreciate users using it.


u/reidybobeidy89 Helper 15h ago

How much reporting are you doing if you don’t even know the sub it could possibly be related too? Maybe chill being a Keyboard warrior. Not everything needs to be policed.


u/DianeDesRivieres Helper 15h ago

Yes, this.


u/waterbloem 13h ago

Yes this what? You're just jumping to conclusions. It's literally probably a single mod who didn't like a report for some reason. I just want to know what sub to avoid doing that.

You do know that the "Report" function is literally made for this right; so that people part of a community can help out the mods? The vast majority of mods actually appreciate it.


u/reidybobeidy89 Helper 13h ago

The majority actually don’t appreciate it.


u/MinimumArmadillo2394 Experienced Helper 10h ago

Ngl I (as a mod) very much appreciate reports. Theres far too much content that rolls through the subreddit for even a team of mods to handle.

I dont appreciate someone who got a playground insult thrown at them crying harassment and stalking, though. False reports just waste time and ping me for no reason.

We have an automod rule on our subreddit where anything over 5 reports gets removed by the automod. I talked to some mods of mainline subs (10m+ subs) and they struggle getting even 3 reports on the same piece of content.

The report feature needs to be used more by the general public, but they need to actually understand the rules and what it means to report something before they report it.


u/waterbloem 13h ago

You know all of them? How do you even know? Tons of mods literally ask users to use the report function. And it's there! If those mods don't like users using the report functionality the way it's intended, they are the problem.

This sub is just full of sycophants, completely useless. I hoped to get an answer from an actual admin, not some random Reddit user playing pretend. Cheers!


u/waterbloem 13h ago

Not much at all, that's why it's confusing. A few times per week, spread over a bunch of subs.

But don't worry, it's clear. I won't ever report any post ever again. Sure that will make everyone feel a lot better. God forbid we try to give back to a community we're part of.


u/reidybobeidy89 Helper 13h ago

They don’t view the Report function as giving back I have heard from mods saying how frustrating it is to have their inboxes spammed with these reports. Unless it’s a major violation of rules- why bother the Mods.


u/waterbloem 13h ago

Every report was a clear violation of the rules of the sub I did the report in. That's literally what the functionality is for. And apparently when using that functionality the way it's intended, you can get automated warnings about a vague "Rule 8" violation with no indication which topic or subreddit was misreported.

I've been a mod myself; user reports are a great tool. And tons of mods literally ask users to report posts that don't follow the rules.

So just remove the functionality altogether then if using it the way it's intended results in account warnings from the admins. I know damn well they can't be reasoned with.


u/MinimumArmadillo2394 Experienced Helper 10h ago

I have heard from mods saying how frustrating it is to have their inboxes spammed with these reports.

Respectfully, those users should not be mods. Period.


u/Ok_Confection4167 35m ago

Just stop snitching on people! Remember - snitches get stitches


u/PBJ-9999 Helper 16h ago

That's all typical for reddit mods. They aren't employees of reddit. Mostly they are the creators of the sub and they don't like people expecting them to do stuff.


u/SimpleEmu198 13h ago

A lot of subreddits are so close to being banned the mods have turned into basically glorified fascists.

Report anyway, report often, just don't tell the moderators of the sub.


u/waterbloem 13h ago

I won't report anything anymore. Even in this sub they just let sycophant "helpers" answers questions instead of putting in any effort themselves.


u/ShibeCEO Helper 9h ago

don't overthink it. reddit mods are mostly cry babies that only get a sense of accomplishment and power by randomly abusing their power against things they don't like. could just be that they woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day


reddit reporting is going down the drain since they implemented automation and AI and wasn't even very good to begin with. people are biased and like to abuse their power. that's it more or less

also I think there are no admins here, just users. hell I got a "helper" tag just for posting here a couple of times... but I could be wrong in that one..


u/brothenberg 18h ago

Didn’t know that was a thing.. interesting

I report a lot too


u/jgoja Expert Helper 16h ago

There should be a link to the post you reported in violation in the message from Reddit


u/waterbloem 15h ago

There isn't, that's why I'm asking here. It's an automated message (the first one) with no indication what I did "wrong" whatsoever.


u/el_jbase 11h ago

I once got that message too and was really surprised. I thought I was contributing, but looks like I was wrong. What I've understood so far is that Reddit is not about justice. And it's really up to mods to decide what's happening in their subreddit. Just like they can ban you for nothing, they can also well ignore your reports on actual violations. That's just how it is. I've tried to report mods for violating Moderator Code of Conduct but haven't received a reply once. Looks like the Admins don't care.


u/[deleted] 17h ago

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u/mstermind Helper 17h ago

You do understand the concept of a community, yes?