r/heatedarguments Feb 13 '20

OPINION Lego blocks don't really hurt to be stepped on.

I've seen many complaints about lego blocks being painful to step on. Many memes (especially older ones), a lot of jokes, and people being mad about stepping on them.

Firstly, they aren't that bad and could be much worse. They aren't really sharp or anything. I don't get what the big deal is. I've stepped on them and it doesn't hurt as much as stepping on an unplugged charging cord.

Second, just pick up your things, or your kids things, or teach your kids to pick up after themselves. It's not that hard to avoid having lego blocks on the ground to step on in the first place.


14 comments sorted by


u/MrBobthegreat101 Feb 13 '20

I agree lmao, no argument here


u/nomnommish Feb 13 '20

People are not making this shit up. Lego blocks do hurt real bad, especially since you're not expecting to step on them most times. Perhaps you just had some good luck. Of course, this depends on the shape and size of the block and how it is sitting on the ground. But Legos are specifically made to have fairly sharp edges.

And I like you naive notions about raising kids and getting them to do exactly what you want them to do.


u/citronellaspray Feb 13 '20

I've stepped on them before. They hurt, but not too bad. Maybe my feet are numb or something idk. When I was growing up, I never put away my toys. That's why I didn't get lego blocks that much when I was a little kid. It's the kind of thing you shouldn't have unless you can put it away.


u/houserules22 Moderator Feb 14 '20

Stepping on legos hurts when it hits the middle of your feet or goes right up against the bone without hitting it. That shit hurts like hell. But otherwise, I normally clench my teeth for a few seconds then move on with my life.


u/B1-Battle__droid Feb 14 '20

My droid feet don’t feel the Lego!


u/Sweetstar_ Feb 24 '20

The last time I stepped on a Lego it was one of those wide, flat ones and slipped and fell and hurt my knee pretty bad. So I disagree.


u/citronellaspray Feb 24 '20

I feel like that wasn't directly caused by the lego, but that you slipped on it


u/JohnnyRelentless Mar 11 '20

Even when you pick up, there are still likely to be times when a stray Lego gets past you.

And they do hurt! Maybe your feet belong on r/iamverybadass

But you get an upvote, because this is definitely r/unpopularopinion material.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '20



u/Spratt-Makowski Feb 18 '20

Yes they do.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '20



u/citronellaspray Mar 18 '20 edited Mar 18 '20

I feel like if you step into a bucket of anything with sharp edges it should hurt more. You can step in a bucket of marbles and it'll hurt.


u/[deleted] Apr 02 '20

You got some calusus on your feet then


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '20

millions of parents that struggle to get their kids to keep their floors free disagree.


u/citronellaspray Feb 14 '20

Then don't get them legos.