r/gtaonline Oct 21 '24

My character vs Real Life

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u/JN_Polo Oct 21 '24

I knew a guy resembling this dude once. Believe it or not, he managed to get in bed with a cute girl(not THAT cute and was going through shit etc but not the point). HOWEVER, poor sod COULDN'T get it hard at ALL. Lost touch more than 10 years know(he was part of one of my groups then). So idk what he's doing. But he was 25 at the time i saw him last and he was still a virgin. And it wasn't even his looks that were the huge issue. But his personality. He was acting so weird and was pretty toxic too.


u/BOBOUDA Oct 21 '24

I think looks are often influenced by how we are psychologically, you don't really take care of yourself when you're half depressed with no self esteem, I know I used to be kind of like that. Or indeed when you're a toxic person, there's probably some underlying personal problems.

I hope your friend is doing better. And you never know, maybe this meme guy was and still is a very wholesome outgoing chick magnet, can't judge people only from looks.


u/JN_Polo Oct 21 '24

You are right. Behaviour goes a long way.

But he wasn't my friend. Was just part of the same bigger group. Couldn't stand him. He was a piece of shit. Trying to take advantage of everyone around him. I upset him at some point, he tried to have me beat up by the group leader and a few other dudes. I came to the encounter with a knife to show them i'm not to be fucked with. Left the group on good terms though. Most of them were okay. We just drifted apart.