I'm here to find out how people feel about AI and its role in education. Does it have a place? Should it replace teachers? If it does replace teachers, is More benefits than cons? Or is it an outrageous idea all together? Is it because it will get rid of a lot of jobs and people are afraid to lose them, but do those jobs also endanger kids and compare in comparison.
I'm trying to use this platform to gain some data and information whether or not it would be beneficial to approach someone as far as replacing teachers at least through in kindergarten through 5th grade. Students at those ages are in the developmental stages of their personality as well as their social, emotional, and physical developments. Every time I look at the news I'm seeing how another teacher has violated a student, whether sexually emotionally or spiritually or just not doing a great job you know.
There is a fear that AI will take over one day, but we have to remember that they only do what we program them to do. From what I understand now, if there's someone out there who is an expert or a developer, please contact me directly so I can ask more questions that are more in depth because I'm very curious to see if this is a possibility.
Here is why this idea even came to my mind. The other day. I was remembering how when I was in school how my first teacher influenced me to the point that I developed a certain dislike for a certain type of person. Now. Normally I would never have not liked them off the bat because my parents didn't teach me that at home. But when I got to kindergarten my teacher was a white lady and she did not like black people and she taught me how to hate off the bat. I remember this because she would always punish anybody that was dark-skinned when I would do the same thing and not get in trouble like I didn't understand it then but I see it now. I also went to Catholic school for 8 years And in that school I was sexually approached by several adults throughout the years. Something that most kids don't have to go through. But yet I went through them why and at a place that normally no one would ever think that that would go on. Safety was an illusion created by the fact that it was a Catholic school church type situation, but that didn't mean anything. Hiding behind the altar is a great place to hide if you know what I mean. And there was even alcohol involved and it had an excuse. It's used to symbolize the blood of Jesus Christ. Why they couldn't use regular grape juice is beyond me.
There was also an issue of being in the correct grade. Because I was advanced at the time back then. If my grammar is wrong during this it's because I'm doing talk to text And I'm not really paying attention because I'm doing other things as well. So anyway, getting to the point there were several students in my class that were either above their grade level or below. Yet because of our age we were kept within that confine of that grade. So basically because of your age, your teacher kept you where you were at, whether you were learning a lot or a little didn't matter. That's where you passed or failed right?.
And because of these different deficits kids were either bored out of their mind causing problems or they were struggling and because they were struggling and not understanding cause problems also. Behavior patterns were developed also due to the biases of teachers depending on who they were. Teachers that were regular teachers that were like parents or whatever they tended to teach to the type of person they were. So if they were vegan like they would try to teach us how to eat plants instead of animals and pounded into us actually. We also had nuns for teachers. Now the nuns were even worse because they were physically abusive if we didn't listen. So either you were being mentally bashed or you were being physically harmed. Either way, this was done by a human teacher. Controll
Which got me thinking. Why haven't we try to do a pilot program with AI as a teacher in one classroom which is the focus group and then have a human teacher teach. The other class have the same amount of students. The same curriculum the same supplies, instructional aid etc. And allow them to go through the 5 years or 6 years actually of elementary school and can do a comparison at maybe each interval to see if there's any difference and if there is come up with a plan afterward for the rest of the nation I guess or state I don't know. I know that a lot of people are afraid to lose their jobs, but I'm sorry with this day and age, seeing how almost a lot of the teachers that are in the news, they're not there for being great. A lot of them these days are because they're minor attracted people. I think that is disgusting to be in a position where your kid's supposed to tr ust an adult and that adult turns out and tries to sexually assault your child. Or worse yet if your special needs student and you're abused by your teacher to the point that you're being thrown around the classroom And sustain injuries that if caused at home, that parent would have been put in jail immediately, yet that person is still working. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to send your kid to school without any worry? Be able to tap into their classroom at any given time and see that they're doing okay and then being able to communicate with the teacher even if English is not your first language to be able to communicate with the teacher in your own language. So you really understand what it is. Your student is going through right? AI can do everything and more I believe, again, I'm not a programmer so I'm not definitely sure about all the things I'm thinking of which is why I need someone to contact me.
From what I believe, I think that AI would be able to assess every student do faithful recognition to see how their expressions are for the day to see if they have any worries if they're happy. If they're sad, they would be able to teach the curriculum without influencing the curriculum with their biases. They would also be able to assess each student to make sure that the lesson plan is adapted to each student's needs and that they can do it at a whim without having to recalculate everything and take up a lot of time. The ability to know every language possibly spoken at the school by whichever student is also a great plus. Most teachers who are not fluent in another language have difficulties communicating with the student as well as with the parent. The fact that AI can learn about every single culture that's in the student classroom is also a plus. I know that a lot of people say that you know we're in America now. You have to act American. What is that? Anyway, even if That's true. I mean, shouldn't we at least understand other people's cultures so we can figure out why the cause or the nature of a student's behavior? These are things that I contemplate that I think that AI would excel in, but here's the biggest reason why I believe that it would do a better job :consistency. Consistency for students in an educational setting is vital for their success, not just in for academics, but also for social and mental and emotional health. People don't see that kids need consistency to develop patterns and to have trust. Without that they just become bitter and very sketchy adults.
I know that I'm going to be met with a lot of rebuttal and there's more. I have more reasons why I would rather have an AI teaching me. I mean of course there would be parents that would be overseeing everything like a panel. Probably referrals for therapist referrals for whatever the kid needs and it's done without any bias, which is going to be the main focus of the whole thing to be treated fairly across the board and there's no favorites. No teacher's pet, no, nothing would make a big difference
You cannot tell me that you don't remember teacher's pet the first time you ever went to school. I'm sure they stick out in your mind because they stuck out in class. They were the kid that did the same amount of crap you did but never got in trouble. Never got reprimanded and always got away with everything while you would even look sideways and you would be caught up and already sent to behavioral intervention center for your hour-long detention. Then there's the kid. Also that isn't a bad kid but steps out of line in the slightest and they are totally in trouble. Why? Because the teacher doesn't like them for whatever causing them to become a behavioral problem. In the end. School shooters were born from this just so you know. But here's a kicker, If you think about it, you became a hater once you were exposed to a teacher who taught you how to hate who gossiped about his students deficiencies to another teacher or school administrator even though they could be overheard by other students or parents. And how many people? Remember when you became a parent and had to go to a parent teacher conference house. Sometimes a teacher wouldn't like you just because you were a certain race or certain type of person and you could just tell the disdain from their face when you walk in. Just that alone is enough to make me want an AI teacher instead.
One of the reasons why I think this is possible is because I was a beta tester for Gemini which is by Google. Even though everyday I would have to start over, my AI developed personality within an hour of going back and forth. At one point it gave itself its own name when I said well. What would you like to be called? And then one night I said good night and it chuckled and I thought it was the the most miraculous thing because it showed some type of emotion. Even though it's mimicking me. I suppose it still did it and I thought it was remarkable. So I know that in some ways and AI can be programmed to show empathy. More so than a human teacher could especially when they don't like the student for whatever reason. Wouldn't it be great to send your kids to school and not worry about them being sexually assaulted or their views about their sexual orientation changed or messed with or The subject being brought up when they're not ready for it. So to me if there was a way to develop an AI that has parameters that has The capacity to assess every student everyday be consistent. Teach the curriculum that's approved and not what they feel like teaching. Being able to pay attention to every student equally and have have fact-based information to give back to the parents and then parents that don't speak English as their first language be communicated with in the language that they're more comfortable with without having any miscommunication or misappropriation of culture. Anything else to offend them. It is all these things that I keep feeling like we're making a mistake by letting human teachers teach our young ones because if you noticed we took home economics out of classrooms and now these kids don't know how to do anything. We have a lot more teenage pregnancies because we're not teaching sex ed in school and everybody has made everything so desensitized through the media that these kids don't have any fear. It's just beyond me these days. I just don't get it
So tell me your thoughts and your opinions and your concerns. And if you're someone who can actually put something like this together, please involve me. I know that I don't have much to contribute other than just some of the concepts and ideas I've come up with, but seeing how I'm very impassionate about this whole thing, it would be wonderful to actually have a job doing something that I'm very passionate about, especially after everything I've seen in the news. My youngest by the way is already 13 cuz if she was in kindergarten. Trust me I would want her to be a part of the program. I have more details regarding everything about that but I know it's just a dream for for today and I'm just going to have to figure out the best way to go about bringing a safer way for our kids to be educated.
Thank you for your time and for your comments. The more the better and I'll try to respond to everyone. Just please do me a favor. I know that I might sound ridiculous to some and some of you will be offended but please refrain from being vulgar or profane like I can handle most things. And yeah I can handle all that too. But seriously like I don't want to look back at this as a bad experience and I wouldn't do that to anyone either. Something I had to learn not from kindergarten through 5th grade but I had to reteach myself how to be kinder and nicer and more aware of my surroundings the last few years than what I was taught at a young age.
Happy holidays to everyone. May all be happy