r/confidence 7d ago

This may seem shallow…

But I was reflecting on what would truly give me confidence and I came up with a weird answer, abs. I’ve always been in mostly decent shape but I just decided that I’m going to shoot for a fully visible 6 pack. Seems like a good goal for the new year. Thoughts?


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u/w4rf4c3x 7d ago edited 7d ago

Might want to work on everything else people can actually see while you're at it.

Sounds like a good plan until you realize people can't see abs underneath your clothes.

Edit: LMAO. Warm-Cow pre-emptively blocked me. 💀Can't talk about confidence when you block people you reply to. Weird AF.


u/kundaliniredneck1 7d ago

I can’t argue with your logic but I’m butt ass ugly😅. Not much I can do about that!


u/w4rf4c3x 7d ago

That's fine. Same advice applies - here's a bit more. Work on it all.

Biceps, Triceps, Chest, Back, Shoulders, Legs


u/kundaliniredneck1 7d ago

Yes, agreed. That’s the plan.


u/w4rf4c3x 7d ago

I'm proud. Let's fucking go.