r/chickens 20h ago

Question Breed info

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Recently got this rooster and ive been looking at different breed pictures to find out his breed but i cant really put a pin on an exact match. Can any one help me ?


8 comments sorted by


u/DifferentLook3067 20h ago

omg i love his coat😍😍😍


u/GulfCoastLover 19h ago

Cream Legbar is my suspicion. Looks like my Cream Legbar Roo.


u/OlathTheBear 18h ago

Pretty boy


u/Waffleconchi 18h ago

I had a roo identical to this. He was mix of breeds, since I bought the eggs from a farmer who had a lot chickens I can't really know who were the parents. But all his siblings were barred rocks, and the roosters this mister had were 2 barred rocks and 1 Laced Silver Wyandotte


u/Jennyonthebox2300 18h ago

Handsome fellow.


u/CaregiverOk3902 16h ago

I see some ppl said cream legbar but wouldn't he have a crest, or is that not aways the case in CLs?


u/DistinctJob7494 12h ago

I'm also thinking Crested cream legbar. They can have some variety in exact color but typically in the light gold to almost silver with almost white to almost black body and tail. Doesn't have the crest feathers though so maybe regular cream legbar πŸ€”