r/cats Dec 12 '19

Discussion Gotta love tesla❤

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u/ThatDopeGLI Dec 12 '19

Omfg that cat is way too cute


u/Faxon Dec 12 '19

Siamese cats are amazing. I'm on my second because the first had some genetic issues. We rescued him around 3-4 years old and got 4 good years with him. I knew something was up when he started spending even more time on my lap than usual (which was a lot) and seemed lower energy, kidney issues are common in them. Got my second about 9 months after he passed when one of my friends rescued a momma and 3 kittens. One didn't make it but the other 2 were strong and my current boy grew up into a big strong kitty. He isn't the lap cat my first one was (yet) but he's still sweet and loving even though he's a brat and a bit of a hellion when he gets worked up lol. Still just a big kitten when he gets going, I'm hoping because his momma was a tabby that he'll be healthier as well. My friend managed to snap a pic of the stray we're pretty sure is his dad, they look super similar lol


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '19 edited May 25 '20



u/Pufflehuffy Dec 12 '19

Wow that’s a hard pass for me. I loved my boys as kittens but I’m so so happy they’re into zooming only in the morning and evenings now.


u/rubberSteffles Dec 12 '19

I have a flame point Siamese and he has the eyes and talkative traits of a Siamese but because he’s mixed with domestic he’s very chill. He’s 15 right now and still very lively and will talk all day and yell for food. But whenever you’re sitting or it’s bed time, he’s right there ready to cuddle up. Couldn’t ask for a better cat.


u/Pufflehuffy Dec 12 '19

Omg I wish! My boys are super talkative too. One has the low meow the other is high pitch sing song.


u/Hashtaglibertarian Dec 12 '19

As someone who volunteered for a cat rescue - it’s a Siamese trait. They love to chirp and chat at everything! I love it!


u/reallysadgay Dec 12 '19 edited Dec 12 '19

Edit: pictures of them http://imgur.com/gallery/oHB1NPP

As someone who also has 3 flame point Siamese cats I am in need of pictures. My cats are the same way, they are so loud and talkative the people who live upstairs still can hear them clearly through the walls. They are pretty lazy, even for being 13years old. The thing I love most about them is how cuddly that is. Every night one lays on my head (and steals the pillow) and the other one lays under the blankets against my body and uses my chin/neck as her pillow. I will also add a cat tax, I just need to see your kitties!!!


u/I_Should_Be_AtWork Dec 12 '19

I have a two year old Seal Point Siamese and the energy levels can be easily managed with some sort of outlet. We have a split entry in our house, and she loves to throw her toy mouse up and down the stairs and chase it. She will play fetch with herself and us for hours. It also helps she's best friends with our hyper miniature schnauzer. Those two will wrestle non-stop.

I'll never not own a Siamese after getting her.


u/drrj Dec 12 '19

I got my young Siamese male a kitten to help manage his energy and it worked like a charm. They wrestle and chase at all hours. Granted that means I’m subjected to wrestling cats at 3:30 in the morning but that’s the price you pay!


u/high_pH_bitch Dec 12 '19

Damn I’m thinking of getting my Siamese a kitten too! She’s so needy! I love it, but it breaks my heart when I can’t give her the attention she wants :(


u/ratsncatsndogs Dec 12 '19

I got my seal point kitten a puppy, now I have a Siamese hellion and a 90 lb Dane mix, both about 2.5 years old, who both cause me bodily injury on a semi-regular basis. But they do love wrestling and cuddling with each other (the cat usually wins, at which point he either humps the dog's neck or grooms his face and ears) so at least that's good I guess.


u/vaelroth Dec 12 '19

Eh, not all Siamese will be like that. My boy chilled out a lot by the time he was 5. He's 11 now, and he just sleeps, eats, and gets scritches. Occasional zoomies as required.


u/acctforsadchildhood Dec 12 '19

Yeah, I'm good, too. I foster kittens all the time and... I need a break. It's like you wake up one day and they learned how to defy gravity and climb walls overnight. I'm actually ignoring some kitten bullshit right now, hopefully they get tired soon.

Lovingly staring at my good boy who is keeping the couch warm. Good grown up kitty lol


u/Sluice_Mountain Seal Point Siamese Dec 12 '19

Kind of late to the party, but I have a seal point Siamese that I have had since he was a kitten and now he's four. He is as chill as can be! Definitely depends on the cat, from my experience.


u/suite-dee Dec 12 '19

I have domestic shorthairs, but I'm loving the kitten stage. I love that one of mine is very vocal. I hadn't ever considered Siamese, but that might be a good breed for me if I ever did find myself adopting a purebred.


u/Puggltastic Dec 12 '19

We have a 3 year old female Siamese we rescued at 3 weeks and I can definitely say I've never seen a cat move around the house like she does. She would drive my lazy ass Maine coon crazy before he passed and now she is unleashing that upon me everyday. It was a crazy adjustment from my lazy boy, but I absolutely love it!

Definitely my first Siamese but she won't be the last.


u/thestralcounter44 Dec 12 '19

Yes my Siamese was very active until 20 that’s when we put her down a little while ago. Best cat ever did Loki have any quirks. I’d love to know them. My cat did. Quirkest princess ever.


u/Fighter_Builder Dec 13 '19

I guess my Siameses were the exception then, because they were always fairly chill and cuddly throughout their lives. I still miss them :(


u/senanthic Dec 12 '19

It is super cute; the cat in the pic isn’t Siamese.


u/suite-dee Dec 12 '19

I thought that too, the cat has the crossed eyes and the seal points, but those aren't Siamese only traits.


u/Faxon Dec 12 '19

Really? It looks like one of the blends of Siamese and something else that are out there, there's several I ran into in my research but I can't find the article I read now.


u/senanthic Dec 12 '19

Snowshoe or Ragdoll maybe; not Siamese. (And if it wasn’t purchased from a breeder, it is simply a mixed-breed cat with points.)


u/Faxon Dec 12 '19

Yup that's fair. Most people I know are more forgiving with exact breeds vs official guidelines. We pick up strays that look cute and try to identify them the best we can. Technically what I have would be a Seal Point assuming the dad is pure Siamese as well, but everyone just calls him Siamese because that's what he fits most closely


u/senanthic Dec 12 '19

I guess the problem is that it can contribute to the mindset that domestic shorthairs are less desirable by framing any unique, unusual, or attractive animal as a purebred, while “normal” animals are left behind.


u/suite-dee Dec 12 '19

Many people on Facebook and in my life think "big cat" is synonymous with "Maine Coon". I can't tell them their cat is likely not a Maine Coon, because it's like telling someone their cat is not Special. News flash, all cats are special and I love your cat anyway :)


u/Teavangelion ALL THE MEEZERS Dec 12 '19

Oh, gosh. I have a meezer off-brand. He is so energetic, even at four years old. I'm like ahhh, calm dowwwwwwn. He even broke a tooth trying to jump to a crazy place he couldn't possibly reach. Sigh.

But I love meezers. Meezers for life.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '19

I have a lynx point rescue. She is so loving but she was abused and near feral when I got her.


u/Elysian-Visions Dec 12 '19

I’ve had Siamese cats my whole life. I currently am owned by two, a lynx point and a seal point. Both 14 years old, which shocked the new vet the other day because of how healthy and young they look and act. They are absurdly spoiled with very expensive food! And still have energy to spare. Complete love bugs and purr machines!
But I will definitely say, Siamese cats are not for everyone. The first Siamese I got as an adult (I had them since an infant) was given to me because his original owner couldn’t handle the energy. Just watch Lady and the Tramp and witness the destruction those two Siamese cats do to their owners house! Obviously they riders in animators had Siamese cats!


u/flusteredferret Dec 12 '19

Thank you for rescuing!!


u/me_is_tacocat Harry, Jen Dec 12 '19

Do pure siamese usually have health issues? I didnt know that :( goodluck making your kitty a lapcat haha. My new girl was.. then when she finally got to bond with my existing cat, he taught her HIS WAYS. Now theyre both the same and hate sitting on any body part. Goddamn you cat.


u/fucking_macrophages Dec 12 '19

Yeah, they're more likely to have kidney problems and crappy teeth commonly. Obviously, there's the cross-eyedness and the kinked tail that show up on occasion, but that's really just cosmetic.

Otherwise, Siamese cats are pretty robust. My parents' cat Michiko, a seal-point traditional siamese, has never had an issue besides dental plaque, and her blue-point brother Squiggy was also healthy as an (admittedly rotund) horse his whole life despite what I'm pretty sure was a rare kind of congenital heart defect.


u/Jambohh Dec 12 '19

Siamese have an above average lifespan for a cat breed the average lifespan for a moggy is 13 - 17 years and 15 - 20 for a siamese.

Just lost my 18 year old Balinese 2 weeks ago, which still hurts. Teeth issues are probably the most prevalent issue, the one that just passed away had only 3 teeth left, my 6 year old black oriental has 7 teeth left & 1 of my 18 month old cinnamon point siamese has terrible gingivitis that just wont go away.

If you want to see my idiots just check my profile.


u/fucking_macrophages Dec 12 '19

I'm sorry to hear about your Balinese. Yeah, the teeth thing happens a lot for some reason. I only mentioned the kidney problems since the two wedge-head Siamese cats I had in high school died young because of them, but the four Siamese cats my parents have owned since have been incredibly healthy other than the genetic crapshoot heart thing.


u/Jambohh Dec 12 '19

Thanks, cancer got him in the end, funnily enough he did have heart murmur. Its.some times luck of the draw but as you said on the whole they are robust.

I have one with wobbly cat syndrome & so far he is bullet proof lol


u/boo29may Dec 12 '19

This is why I hate breeding. Most pure breeds are fuxked up in one way or the other. Yet we keep doing it and it's someone not considered animal cruelty.


u/fucking_macrophages Dec 12 '19

Dude, as long as the gene pool is large enough, most cat breeds aren't going to be predisposed to serious health problems like dogs are. My parents' cat could have been a mutt and had the same chance of getting that heart defect. He actually lived for three years past the six months the vet originally gave him.


u/boo29may Dec 12 '19

Not all. Scottish Folds all suffer from health problems. The same thing that makes them cute (the bent ears) also makes them sick. If two humans from the other side of the world with the same genetic disease had children the fact that they are not from the same small gene pool wouldn't affect anything.


u/fucking_macrophages Dec 12 '19

As I said, most. Obviously the modern Persians and the other breeds with traits connected to illness aren't the ones I meant. I forgot about the Scottish Folds having connective tissue issues. I meant the breeds like Abyssinians, Maine Coons, Japanese Bobtails, British Shorthairs, Turkish Vans, Siamese, Burmese, Russian Blues, etc, that were originally derived from the cats that live in specific areas. Otherwise known as most breeds.


u/boo29may Dec 12 '19

I do agree that the issues are smaller with cats. I think the problem is that as people took those cats from the areas they came from, the breeding pool got smaller and smaller, so more incest. Also people pushing the limits and selecting bad traits of breeds. We just need to be careful. Personally I would never buy a cat of any breed as to not enough it. Adopting obviously doesn't count, especially when in some case you are picking an older cat that you know willl have problems but still love it like it deserves .


u/mcac Dec 12 '19

There are a lot of health issues that they tend to be more likely to have than other cats


u/cowlufoo2 Dec 12 '19

No idea what percentage Siamese our girl is (someone abandoned her litter), but she's a flame point. Her entire life she's had a stuffed up/runny nose on and off.


u/mcac Dec 12 '19

That could be herpes, it's extremely common in cats (most shelter cats are carriers) and the symptoms usually involve runny nose, sneezing, or watery eyes.


u/me_is_tacocat Harry, Jen Dec 13 '19

Aww poor things. Theyre so loving though


u/Mangobunny98 Dec 12 '19

I've been wanting to get another cat and have always wanted a Siamese because I've heard they're so great but I haven't been able to find one in a shelter and I don't want to shop for one.


u/minisooms Dec 12 '19

I assume you are in the USA. I follow a group called siamese cat rescue centre on FB ,they have lots of rescue siamese and they ship them to different states.


u/Elysian-Visions Dec 12 '19

Both my Siamese are rescues, they were littermates/brothers. If you contact various shelters and put your name on the list that you want Siamese they will eventually call you. It took me a year of waiting but one day I got the magical call! I went down there and sat in the middle of the room surrounded by Siamese kittens, and I let them pick me. I knew I wanted outgoing and friendly so I decided the first two who came over and were interested I would take. And that’s what I’ve got… One of them is currently curled up on my shoulder, and the other is sitting behind my head on the back of the sofa!


u/Faxon Dec 13 '19

The Pet Smart shops in my area sometimes have them. They swoop up younger cats from shelters that look like they'll actually be able to get homes and it makes it easier for people who might not go to a shelter for some reason or another while also making it easier on the shelters as they have less cats to take care of, and the ones in the shelter are more likely to be picked. I don't believe that it's even legal to sell cats from breeders in stores in my area because of the issues of strays, so you can basically go wherever you feel most comfortable getting a cat to get a rescue.


u/SkyGuy182 Dec 12 '19

Every time I see a long response like this I brace myself for u/shittymorph action


u/AllumerNoir Dec 12 '19

I want to see this beautiful kitty you speak of! Mine is a needy little booty. I love him. He is half siamese (mamma) and half grey tabby tom. Real good 5 year old boy. Very talkative.


u/particledamage Dec 12 '19

I agree about Siamese but this kitty definitely isn’t a Siamese.


u/thestralcounter44 Dec 12 '19

That’s not an actual Siamese though it just had the point patterns message me we can discuss I am a cat lover and an animal lover and a nurse. So basically I’m living in heaven


u/CamoCreel Dec 12 '19

Ikr just adorable!