r/boringdystopia 4d ago

Corporate Control 💼 Dust off the guillotine...

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u/Consistent_Weather65 4d ago

Whats hilarious about this is that it will destroy capitalism as it needs consumers, plus since AI produces regardless of incentives it might bring about socialism as wealth hoarding becomes unnaceptable and AI will work for the collective just as good as for a greedy bastard.


u/EviePop2001 4d ago

Thats the whole thing about capitalism rn that doesnt make sense to me, companies are paying as little as possible and also charging as much as possible, forcing people to barely survive and only buy essentials (if they even can), and that is destroying future consumers/income just so they can squeeze a little more profit rn. It doesnt make any sense, if everyone is starving and homeless who is gonna buy their stupid stuff???


u/Warhero_Babylon 4d ago

It dont matter if a specific person can overconsume at this exact second. Its not rational