r/boringdystopia 20d ago

Corporate Control 💼 Read the effing room

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And nothing was learned. Looks like school needs to be back in session.


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u/Accomplished-Bad3856 20d ago edited 20d ago

Just as a reminder, it is an actual crime that this guy can go to jail for, NOT to serve the interests of the shareholders.

Edit: edited for accuracy.


u/meatshieldjim 20d ago

Interest can be run the company well don't lose value it doesn't have to be increase the value of the stock.


u/Beowood03 20d ago

Yes but it always is increase the value of stock…


u/meatshieldjim 20d ago

I am just spit balling a lawyer's defense.


u/Beowood03 20d ago

Well as the post said, read the effing room


u/Hapalops 20d ago

Fiduciary responsibility is a civil matter. Worst case scenario is a lawsuit for lost money and losing his job. It's also a loose juris prudence that might not hold up, but it's not tested enough.


u/tetraenite 20d ago

It’s a crime that that’s a crime.