r/behindthebastards 1d ago

Considering this guy was not traditionally left leaning…

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From his online footprint it seems like Luigi did not meet the mold many would have expected of a left wing revolutionary. Also considering I have been seeing a lot of “the right looks for allies, the left looks for rats”, I created a new group r/ClassConscious . It’s supposed to be a thread where we can share ideas/memes with people of different political beliefs to continue to solidify the idea of class consciousness in the minds of people who might just be waking up to it. Once people realize that one kind of oppression is wrong, they might realize that other types are wrong too (or at least that’s the idea). I can’t think of a better page to ask for help than the BtB audience. Being around here a while it seems like most people take a rational approach to the problems we face. I am not a content creator or very witty, or all that good at knowing what will grab people’s attention. So I ask you all to help me, with posting and bringing attention to the staggering wealth gap that has developed in our societies. It’s not something that matters just to the left… between Luigi and the elons bullshit, I think this has a fighting chance.

Please post anything you think will appeal to those not normally thinking about r/ClassConscious (ness) in the same way.


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u/classphoto92 1d ago

Joined. I am spending Christmas with my Conservative parents, and we have a standing agreement to not talk "politics." But we cal ALL get behind fuck the rich.


u/finalrendition 1d ago

But we cal ALL get behind fuck the rich

Push comes to shove, is that really the case? I'd bet the vast majority of Republican voters would agree with the sentiment, but they all voted for an out-of-touch rich guy who is filling his cabinet with richer, more out-of-touch guys. Words need matching actions in order to mean anything.


u/ArbitUHHH 1d ago

I think they would respond that the liberal candidates are also the out-of-touch rich, so they might as well choose the guy that aligns with them culturally. They will probably attribute wealth disparity (if they even think it's a problem) and declining quality of life/wages to big government and liberal interference in the free market. 

The solution is actual leftist politics but there you run into reflexive resistance to anything that questions the efficacy and glory of the free market.


u/finalrendition 1d ago

I think they would respond that the liberal candidates are also the out-of-touch rich

But they're wrong and they'd eventually have to reconcile that if they're having any sort of good-faith discussion. That was really the point of my comment. American Con voters can say that they're against the wealthy elite all they want, but they're lying to others and likely themselves. It's not common ground between the left and the right if the right completely misunderstands/lies about the agreement