r/Whatcouldgowrong 2d ago

Riding forklifts WCGW


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u/mandatedvirus 2d ago

Oh, look, the idiot brigade that politicizes everything is here.


u/Alternative_Pilot_92 2d ago

Are you so dense you don't realize that was a response to someone starting the political bs?


u/mandatedvirus 2d ago

Are you so dense that you didn't realize you are just feeding into it?


u/classy-muffin 2d ago

Now not to be that guy, but what makes what you're doing any different? Are you not doing the exact same thing?


u/mandatedvirus 2d ago

I'm just calling it out. I'm not posting polarizing memes or images. Suck it.


u/Alternative_Pilot_92 2d ago

No, you're just calling people idiots. The lack of self awareness is astounding.


u/classy-muffin 2d ago

Which is feeding into it yes. "No I'm not" isn't a valid argument.


u/mandatedvirus 2d ago

Go argue with yourself in the mirror. I don't care.


u/Alternative_Pilot_92 2d ago

They would without a doubt have a more thoughtful conversation with a mirror than from talking to you.