r/Whatcouldgowrong 5d ago

Guy flew by flipping me the bird 🐦🚨


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u/13Krytical 5d ago

It’s actually not illegal to change lanes in the intersection.. just something they prefer you don’t do, at least in California…


u/The-Fotus 5d ago

I cannot find anything in the Utah code book saying it's illegal to change lanes in an intersection.


u/ReturnRadio 5d ago

I haven’t looked but I guarantee in my Utah drivers ed they told me not to change lanes in the intersection


u/Equivalent-Koala7991 4d ago

They give you a lot of recommendations that are not necessarily law in the drivers ed book. Like not mashing the gas pedal as soon as the light turns green, or stopping for a total of 3 seconds at a stop sign. or, changing lanes under an intersection